Abellira, Reno, 63
Abruzzi, Sid "The Package," 44–45
Absolam, Gerry, 277
Accent On Sports, 131
"Accept No Substitutes" Cadillac Wheels ad, 31
Accetturo, Angelo, 161
Acid Drop, David Paul at Kona Bowl, 140–41, 204
ACTION NOW magazine, 274, 570, 573, 577, 586, 756, 795, 803, 809–10
Adams, Dave, 368, 369, 425, 438, 852
Adams, Jay
audacity of, 236
Bunny Hop, 180
on Craig Stecyk and Dogtown, 674
on Dogtown and Z-Boys, 678
Dogtown skaters, 677
at Hester ISA Pro Bowl Series, 270
Logan skate team, 249
at Marina Del Rey skatepark, 441
and the Monster Hole, 327
and personal demons, 794
pool riding in San Diego, 140
and SkateBoarder magazine, 202
Adshade, Christine, 834–35
"Accept No Substitutes" CadillacWheels ad, 31
American Skateboard Association(ASA), 226, 227
Anchor Skateparks, Ltd., 859
Astral Skateboards, 285, 285
Bahne skateboards, 28, 28
Bally "Wizard" pinball machine, 540
Banzai skateboards, 481
Cadillac Wheels, 23
Caster Skateboards, 693
cheap land in Florida, 345
Concrete Wave, 857
East Coast Skateboards, 280
Firestone Welding halfpipe, 323
Flite decks, 330
Fox Surfboards & Skateboards, 466
Freewheelin' (film), 408
G&S Fibreflex decks, 137, 356
Harbour 12-Ply Light deck, 311
Hard Waves, Soft Wheels (film), 162
Haut Skateboards, 717
Howell Skateboards, 88
Hugger skateboards, 218, 219
Kona skatepark, 610
Logan Earth Ski, 247, 249, 263
Nomad Surf Shop, 447
Ocean Avenue Surfboards, 331
Per Welinder Tracker ad, 777
Powell-Peralta "Real People" ad, 672, 673
Progressive Skateboards, 182
Santa Barbara Skateboards Alan Gelfand ad, 390, 390, 391
Santa Cruz Skateboards, 202
"Skate Ball," 197, 197
SkateBoarder magazine ad revenues, 34
Skateboard Madness (film), 524–25, 526, 528, 528
Skateboard Safari, 446
Skyhooks, 292
Smyrna Surf Shack Alan Gelfand ad, 390, 390
Solid Surf Skateboard Park, 90, 90, 91
specialized skating gloves, 185
Super Skate Show in Caracas, Venezuela, 705
"Surfer" pinball game, 540
Suspenders, 289, 290, 291
television commercials, 87
Tim Scroggs Tracker Trucks ad, 686
Tomoka Moon Forest, 854
Tracker Trucks, 549, 734
Turningpoint Punkture Madness deck, 640
UFO wheels, 300
Variflex, 725
West Coast Skateboards "Get Vertical," 149
See also patches; stickers
Air Shooms and, 292, 293, 295
Bunny Hop, 135, 177–85
dirtboards and off-road skating, 294, 295
effect on advertising, 285, 285
Erich "Shreddi" Repas, 266, 267–68, 281
foot straps and, 214, 217, 268, 289, 289, 290, 290, 295
four wheels out, 258–59, 260–302, 284, 285
frontside and backside aerials, 260
George "Wild Man" Orton's Frontside Air, 270–72, 270, 274
grabbed aerials, 266, 267–68
influence on surfing, 566–615, 567, 570–73, 571
John "Wally" Sablosky's Frontside Airs, 275–76, 275
Off-the-Lip, 193
press images of aerial attempts, 201, 202, 203, 209
Skyhooks and, 290, 292, 295, 514, 573
Suspenders and, 268, 289, 290, 291, 290, 291, 295, 295, 514, 520, 573
Tail Taps and Tail Slides, 264, 265, 267
three wheels out, 260, 262, 263, 263
Tom "Wally" Inouye, 267–68, 272, 279–80
See also Gorilla Grip; the Ollie
Aerial Tail Tap, Alan Gelfand, 551, 552
Agnew, Dennis "Polar Bear," 441, 526, 677, 725
AirBeam decks, 522
Air Shooms, 292, 293, 295, 573
Air to Fakie (Fakie Air), 338
Akiyama, Hironori "Aki," 74, 74
Alaway, Robin, 35
Alba, Micke
Big O Pro-Am, 748
K-Beam signature deck, 521
and The Pipeline, 431, 433
Team Tunnel, 249
Alba, Steve "Salba"
Independent Trucks, 557
K-Beam signature deck, 521
and The Pipeline, 431–34, 433
reaction to seeing first Ollie Pop, 434, 435, 436–37, 515
Team Tunnel, 249
and "Varibots," 798
Albany Skate Track, 14, 76, 77, 264, 265, 768
Alger, George, 126
Allard, Jim, 289
Allebach, Micah, 447, 491, 498
Allen, Ray, 441, 725, 744–45, 798
Alley-Oop, Chris Strople, 515
Alley-Oop Manual, 197
Allred, Buddy, 431, 552
Alter, Hobie, 21, 570
Alva, Blair, 559
Alva, Tony "Mad Dog"
aerial pioneer, 270
and the Andergrind, 338
and Bunker Spreckels, 675
California Free Former World Professional Skateboard Championships (1977), 675–76
competitive pool riding, 453

Craig Stecyk's Dogtown articles, 674–75
Dogtown and Z-Boys (film), 678
on Dogtown hype, 674
Frontside Air at the Dog Bowl, 271
Fun'N Sun Skateboard Championships, 605, 607
Hang Ten World Skateboard Championships (1976, Carlsbad), 454
Kona Bowl, 205
Kona Pro-Am, 306
Logan skate team, 249
loose-trucks skating style, 241
pool riding in San Diego, 140
in SKATE magazine, 652
Super Skate Show in Caracas, Venezuela, 702, 706, 707–9, 709, 711
Alva Skates, 253, 255, 672
Andersen, Lisa, 63, 63
Anderson, Al, 380–81
Anderson, Jay, 334
Anderson, Kevin, 431
Anderson, Steve "Andergrind"
on Alan Gelfand's junk food diet, 565
on Alan Gelfand's Ollie Airs, 836
Boca Raton skating enclave, 119, 121, 335
and Cadillac Concourse, 327, 327, 328, 333, 334, 335–36, 338, 361
Cadillac Concourse vert contest, 420
Cadillac team, 367
Cherry Hill Skateboard Park contest, 663
"Dirty White Boy" scrapes at Skateboard USA, 114
Fun 'N SunFun 'N Sun Skateboard Championships, 605
Hollywood Ramp, 716
Kryptonics team, 336
Rainbow Wave Pro-Am, 598, 599, 599
Rock 'n' Roll on three-quarter pipe, 336, 662
at Sensation Basin, 338, 346, 483, 557
at Solid Surf, 744
South Florida skating scene, 655
Andersson, Jörgen, 786, 789, 794
André, Pierre, 685
Andrecht, David, 460, 641, 716, 748
Andress, Huck
Boca Raton skating enclave, 335
freestyle skating, 356, 356, 555, 684
G&S Fibreflex boards, 247
jumping over cars, 357, 357
Lipslide at Skateboard City, 150
Skateboard Madness (film), 356, 357
Andrews, Peter, 395, 597, 599, 658, 659
Animal House (film), 543
Ann, Mitsuhide, 74, 74
anti-skateboarding media sensationalism, 26, 28, 49
Argosy magazine, 570
The Aristocats (film), 63
Arizona desert pipes, 622, 624
Arnold, John, 233
Arrow/Traknology, 625
art modernism, 11 postmodernism, 11, 612 posters, 31, 50, 52, 52, 53, 57, 408
artistic creativity of skating and skaters, 11, 631, 814, 830, 831
Ashby, Rob, 851
"Ask The Doctor" column, 457
Association of Surfing Professionals (ASP), 62, 63
Astral Skateboards, 285, 285
Australian Skateboard Championships (1975), 217
Australian surfers at Florida Pro surfing competition, 60, 63
Autry, Don "Waldo"
Five Summer Stories (film), 249
Florida visit, 322, 323
fullpipe riding and "King of the Pipes" nickname, 249, 622
with Team Tunnel, 248
at the Weird Bowl, 248
and vert skating, 102, 249
Waldo Warp Tail decks, 249
Axle Stall, Chris Baucom at Sensation Basin, 483
Ayers, Joe, 506, 509, 509, 605, 685, 798
Ayres, Gregg, 232, 248, 249, 589


Backside Air
Alan Gelfand, 551
Chris Strople, 516
East Coast skaters, 269, 281
Erich "Shreddi" Repas, 266, 267, 268, 269
in SkateBoarder magazine, 260
in Skateboard World magazine, 266, 267
Tom "Wally" Inouye, 267, 270, 272, 279, 284
unidentified East Coast skater, 260
Backside Layback, Kent Senatore, 479, 479
Backside Lipslide, Mike Venezia at Skateboard USA, 113, 113
Backside Ollie
Alan Gelfand, 758
Allen Losi, 758–59
Billy Beauregard, 759, 760, 761
David "David Z" Zakrzewski, 759
Jeff Duerr, 655, 758
Jeff Tatum, 696, 698–99, 756, 75
Joe Gonzales, 758
Mike McGill, 655, 758
Pat Love, 758
Steve Hirsch, 751
Backside Ollie Axle Stall, Geno Tocci, 761
Badlanders, 622
Badlands, 432
Bahne, Bill, 30, 55
Bahne/Cadillac Skateboard Championships. See Del Mar Nationals (1975)
Bahne skateboards and decks, 24–25, 28–29, 28, 463, 464
Baker, Mark, 276, 277, 693
Ballinger, Mark, 447
Balma, Larry, 39, 40, 810
"Bank of Daytona," 64, 65, 67
Banks, Alton, 425, 508, 578, 581
Banks, Jim, 60
Banzai skateboards, 481
Barden, Matt, 88
barefoot skating
Dave Bentley, 302–3, 351, 359
Dave Nicks, 168, 188, 315
Gorilla Grip, 213, 302–3, 647
Kelly Lynn, 54
Lonnie Toft, 36
Russ Howell, 86
Scott Goodman, 56, 764
Tom Sims, 251
Barfoot, Chuck, 573
Barrozzi, Alberto, 712
Bartholomew, Wayne "Rabbit," 34, 60, 63, 566
Baucom, Chris
Axle Stall, 483
Bones Brigade, 410, 665
Fakie Ollie in Kona halfpipe, 823
first skateboard, 129
mentored by older skaters, 344
Ollie to Grind (frontside and backside), 592
Ollie to Tail (frontside and backside), 592
on the Ollie, 477
Powell-Peralta, 410, 664
at Rainbow Wave Pro-Am, 592, 593, 599
Roller Sports deck, 129, 129
at Sensation Basin, 395, 481, 483, 557, 658, 659
sponsorship, 97, 395, 410, 664
up-and-coming skaters, 526
Walker Skateboards, 97
Baur, Ed, 126
BC Surf shop, 831
beam-construction decks, 330, 521, 521, 522, 522, 523
Beamer decks, 510–11, 511, 514, 518, 518–19, 520–21, 522
The Bear (New Mexico ditch), 295
Beardsley, Bryan, 354, 357, 357
Bear Foot Grip, 417, 417
Beauregard, Billy, 759, 760, 798
Beck, David "Mondo," 662
Beecher, Gary, 298, 300
Bender, Chris, 662
Bennett, Ron, 37
Bennett, Teddi, 732, 748
Bennett trucks, 32, 34, 37, 37, 38, 137, 189, 242
Bentley, Bill, 350, 352, 352
Bentley, Bob "Boober"
aerial pioneer, 281
and Alan Gelfand, 360–61
at Biscayne banks, 358, 358
and Cadillac Concourse, 325–26, 329, 338, 341, 350, 361, 363
Cadillac Concourse vert contest, 420
Clearwater Skateboard Park, 361, 361, 363, 504, 508
Fun 'N Sun Skateboard Championships, 377
high jumping, 353
Key Biscayne embankment, 348
in Miami, 350
pool riding, 360, 360
Skateboard Madness (film), 363
and Skateboard USA, 360–61
South Florida and Hollywood skating scene, 121, 655
360s, 358
vert riding, 354, 354
Bentley, Dave
aerial pioneer, 281
and Alan Gelfand, 352, 360–61, 761
and Cadillac Concourse, 325, 329, 329, 338, 362
Cadillac Concourse vert contest, 420
Clearwater Pro Open, 508
Fun 'N Sun Skateboard Championships, 364–65, 377
Gorilla Grip, 214, 215, 225, 226, 302–3, 351, 358, 359
Key Biscayne embankment, 107, 349
Logan Earth Ski deck, 402
signature freestyle wheels, 358, 358
and Skateboard USA, 352, 352, 360–61
at South Beach pier, 167, 215, 222, 223, 358, 359
South Florida and Hollywood skating scene, 121, 655
and Suspenders, 290
Bentovoja, Dave, 288
Bergman, Doug, 814
Berryman, Ellen, 373
Bertlemann, Larry, 174, 232, 315, 566, 566, 572
Bertlemann Slide, 48, 167, 174, 232, 409, 514, 686
Bigelow, Duane, 801
Big O skatepark, 435, 455, 456–57, 458, 459, 746–47, 748–49, 748, 751–53, 753, 852
Big Wheel bike shop, 133–34, 137–38
bindings, aerial freestyle bindings and off-road skating, 294, 295
Biniak, Bob, 249, 678
Biscayne banks, 358, 358
Blackhart, Rick
"Ask The Doctor" column, 457
and competitive pool riding, 453
Frontside Roll-In, 456–57, 457, 458
Team Tunnel, 249
Winchester Skateboard Park, 437
Black Hill, La Costa, 322
Black Label, 509
Blankenbeckler brothers, 367
Blaze On (film), 272, 273
Blender, Neil, 693, 748, 777, 830
Blood, Frank, 260, 270
Blood, Fred, 739
Bloom, Jim, 498
BMX biking at New Sport House, 791
board games, "Three Wheels Out!", 262
boards. See decks
boardslide, 151, 171, 174, 174, 177, 189, 464, 575, 645, 718, 725, 752, 759
board-to-board jump, Mark Bowden, 357, 357
"Boca Boys," 119, 334–35, 335
Boca Raton, Florida
Dan Murray, 428
Dan Murray and Steve Anderson, 161
Dan Murray on 51st Street ditch, 121
Huck Andress, 150, 356, 357
Tony Grandinetti, 518, 518
Bogota, Colombia street skating, 9, 14
Bolster, Warren
blacklist and Skateboard World magazine rivalry, 268–69
Dogtown skaters mythology, 672, 675
and Gunnar Haugo, 207, 300
Kona Bowl, 205, 209
National Skateboard Review, 373
and Paul Hackett, 295
Rampage ramp photos, 495
and SkateBoarder magazine, 34, 69, 71, 72, 94, 249, 269, 269, 279
and Suspenders, 289, 290
Bomb Drop (Bunny Hop variation), Phil Smith, 181
Boneless (Boneless One), 611
Bones Brigade
Alan Gelfand, 532, 534, 555, 556, 560–63, 565, 576, 586, 588, 589, 636, 651, 658, 665, 722, 771
Alan Gelfand and Mike McGill ad, 650, 651
Alan Gelfand "Tank" signature deck, 728, 730, 730–31, 732, 733, 734, 735
B-17 and mushroom cloud imagery, 585, 586, 589, 589
Bones Brigade: An Autobiography (film), 410, 576
formation, 532, 534
1979 lineup, 576–77, 665
1979 Rodriguez deck, 532, 533
Stacy Peralta, 408–11, 410, 411, 532, 576, 577, 586, 665, 771
team T-shirt detail, 650
The Bones Brigade Video Show (video), 566
Bones wheels, 300, 400, 401, 409–10, 411
See also Powell-Peralta
Bongoland, 68–69, 68
Beamer decks, 520
Fibreflex decks, 137
Bowden, Mark, 357, 357
bowling and Gelfand family, 414
Bowl Rider wheels (Sims), 191
Bowman, Brad
at Cherry Hill Skateboard Park, 662
at Get-A-Way skatepark, 801
Hollywood Ramp, 496, 666–67, 716
Hollywood Ramp SkateBoarder magazine cover, 496
Ollie Air, 666–67, 667, 668, 669, 758, 829, 832–33
at Sensation Basin, 346
Vans Pro-Am Skateboard Competition, 725
Bradshaw, Robert, 466
Brand, Richard, 506, 508
Branker, Don E., 769
Brecht, Bertolt, 321
Brewer, Art, 23, 675
Brewer surf and skateboard company, 28, 142, 445
Brite Lite deck, 582, 583, 636
Bro Bowl (Perry Harvey Sr. Park Skateboard Bowl)
The Bro Bowl: 30 Years of Tampa Concrete (documentary), 611
The End (video), 611
first municipal skateparks, 75, 610–611
first public skatepark in Florida, 425, 610
Joel Jackson (builder), 610, 612
National Register of Historic Places, 612, 613
Shannon Bruffett, 612
Skateboarding Heritage Foundation, 612, 612
surf-style, design, 611
surviving skateparks, 822
Tampa regional skateparks, 425
Tony Hawk's Underground (video game), 611
"Bronzed Aussies" surfing team, 60, 589, 589
Brooke, Michael, 225
Broward County skating enclaves, 121
Brown, Ronnie, 346, 395, 640
Browne, Bud, 250
Bruffett, Shannon, 612
Brunot, Michele, 55
Buccieri, Seth, 341
Built to Grind: 25 Years of Hardcore Skateboarding (Denike, ed.), 47
Bump Ollie, 647
Bunker Spreckels: Surfing's Divine Prince of Decadence (Stecyk), 675
Bunny Hop, 135, 178–85, 178, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 193
Burns, Susan, 498
Burnside, Cara-Beth, 748
Burton, Jake, 468
Busch Gardens, 226
Butt Burner
Ed Womble, 282
Jim McCall, 282
Caballero, Steve
Bones Brigade, 565, 576, 665, 756, 771
Caballerial (Fakie Ollie 360), 548, 550, 550, 551
Del Mar Skateboard Ranch, 694
Gold Cup series, 753
at SkaterCross, 565, 565
Swedish Summer Camp, 777, 822
on Ty Page, 26
Vans Pro-Am Skateboard Competition, 725
Winchester Skateboard Park, 437
Caddy, Steve, 51
Cadillac dog food, 22, 22
Cadillac Wheels, 18–19, 20–22, 23, 31, 43, 44, 47, 52, 52, 177, 327, 327
Cadillac Wheels Skateboard Concourse
Alan Gelfand at, 328, 363, 376, 381, 389, 614, 614, 615
closure and demolition, 611, 614, 614, 804, 806
construction and design, 322, 325–26, 327–28
ditch bowl, 326
Egg Bowl, 324, 614
and Frank Nasworthy, 322, 325
Monster Hole, 325, 326, 328, 329, 339–41, 340, 341, 361, 362, 363, 363, 420–21, 442–43, 614, 615
opening, 325–26
popularity of, 329, 333, 334
pro shop, 324, 327
rules and regulations, 325
vert contest at, 420–21, 421
Cahill, Chris, 678
Cairns, Ian, 60, 589
California Free Former World Professional Skateboard Championships
1976 contest, 52–53, 353
1977 contest, 675–76
"California Skatepark," Tokyo, 74
California surfers and hippie subculture, 60
Cal Jam II rock festival, 26
Camann, Peter, 690
Cameron, Jason, 50
Campbell, Cory, 605
Campbell, David Scot, 512
Campbell, Dobie, 778
Campins, Luis Herrera, 708, 712
Campos, Andy, 92, 98, 98, 117, 189
Campo Sports, 71, 72
Cannon's Creek (Porirua, New Zealand skateboard track), 73, 75, 75
Car, Steve, 649
Caracas, Venezuela Super Skate Show, 700–701, 702, 704, 705, 706–12, 709, 710, 711, 713
Carias, Charles Brewer, 712
Carlsbad Skatepark, 69, 69, 70, 71, 72, 80, 180
Carlton, Tullie, 425
Carmichael, Chris, 50–51, 51
Carrasco, David, 130, 290, 295
Carrasco, Rene, 290
Carrasco, Richy, 290
Carroll, Tom, 572
Carswell, Carew, 376–77, 377, 498
Carter, Tony, 202
Cassimus, James "King James," 300, 487, 512, 520, 570, 582, 585, 682, 696, 788, 789, 791
Caster Skateboards, 692, 693, 693
138th Avenue and Palmetto Expressway overpass, 122
Shane Reed, 267
Cathey, Steve, 247, 280, 300, 406, 692
Catri, Dick, 60
C Bowl, 122, 156, 156, 174
CBS Sports Spectacular TV show, 690
Cespedes, Kim, 142, 214, 373
Cess Slide
Alan Gelfand, 552, 552, 554
Buddy Allred, 552
Dan Murray, 439
Rick Furness, 421
Robbie Kerrigan on Hollywood Ramp, 717
"chalkies" (clay wheels), 20, 20
Chamberlain, Wilt, 566
Chaput, Chris, 249, 684, 804
Chaves, Cesinha, 628
Cherry Hill Skateboard Park, 336, 350, 423, 661–721, 662, 663, 664–65, 664, 665, 855
Chicago Roller Skate Company, 49
Chicago trucks, 29, 30, 30
Chichelli, Todd, 23
chimpanzee on skateboard at Busch Gardens, 226
Chiocchio, Phil, 395, 398, 723, 723, 818
Christy, Gunnar Haugo, 208
Clamper Trucks, 354, 355
Clayton, Travis, 498, 500
clay wheels, 20, 20, 94, 129, 250, 765
Clearwater Skateboard Park
aerial photo postcard, 369
Boober Bentley at, 361, 361, 363
Clearwater Pro Open, 361, 501, 502–3, 504–6, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 508, 509, 555
George McClellan Frontside Air, 285
halfpipe, 422
Rip Hanks Gorilla Grip, 210, 211
Tampa Bay skateparks, 425
See also Fun 'N Sun Skateboard Championships
Clearwater team, 364–65, 368, 369
"Clown Ramp," 197, 197
Clyde Slide anti-hangup device, 400, 401, 401, 484, 505, 508
Clyde Slide maneuver, 506, 507, 508
Coben, Marshall, 248, 249
Coccaro, Gary, 322, 326, 326, 327, 495
Coccia, Mike, 369
Codgen, Claude, 62, 567
Cohen, Judy, 373
Combs, Mike, 106
Hollywood Skating Center contest (1976), 94, 95, 97–99, 99
Palm Beach warehouse contest (1976), 92–93, 98, 99
skateparks and skater communities, 11, 11, 121
competitions. See contests
Comstock, Erin, 841
The Concrete Curl skatepark, 78
Concrete Wave magazine, 225
concrete waves. See skateparks
Concrete Wave skatepark, 78, 326, 453
Coney, Cleo, 425, 716, 718
Conklin, Lance, 425
Conklin, Scott, 425
Constable, Brad, 662
Constantineau, Paul, 678
Australian Skateboard Championships (1975), 217
barrel jump/long jump, 356, 377, 449, 455, 675, 675–76
California Free Former World Professional Skateboard Championships, 52–53, 353, 675–76
Central Florida Skateboard Championships (1976), 68, 68
cross-country, 367, 368, 377, 377, 378–79, 424, 481, 497, 501, 592, 595, 596, 605, 620, 634, 634, 638, 639
Del Mar Nationals (1975), 52–53, 54–55, 57, 180, 214, 219, 233, 512
Fort Walton Beach pool-riding, 106
freestyle, 54, 67, 97
Fun 'N Sun Skateboard Championships, 364–65, 367–68, 369, 370, 371, 372–73, 374, 376–77, 377
Gold Cup series, 440, 441, 753, 693, 734, 735, 753, 775, 798, 811, 814, 815
Hang Ten World Pro-Am Skateboard Championships (1975, Los Angeles), 57
Hang Ten World Skateboard Championships (1976, Carlsbad), 677
Hollywood Skating Center (1976), 94, 95, 97–99, 99
high jump/hurdle, 97, 99,
introduction of ramps to, 219, 222
one-wheeler, 455, 501, 556, 620, 641, 663, 665
Palm Beach warehouse (1976), 92–93, 98, 99
Rainbow Wave Pro-Am, 448, 449, 458, 590–91, 592, 593, 594, 595–96, 595, 596, 597, 598, 599
required tricks and compulsory moves, 66, 814
Russ Howell, 87
San Buenaventura Skateboard Championship (1975), 57, 57
SKAbo Eastern Skateboard Championship, 354, 356
slalom, 68, 97, 99, 219
Tuflex Product Awareness Tournament, 620, 624, 634, 641
World Invitational Skateboard Championships (1975, San Diego), 219, 222
Cooley, Bruce, 202
Coombs, Ted, 738
Coper truck protector, 518, 697
See also Grindmaster
Coping Block magazine, 78, 793
The Cosmic Children (film), 232, 232
Cosmic Wave, 78
Courson, Chris, 693
Coury, Freddy, 106
Cox, Mike, 447, 660, 661
Craft, Terri, 373
Cram, William "Bugger," 825
Crawford, Jeff, 62, 63, 63
Creative Urethanes, 20, 29
Cromartie, Bruce, 831
Cross Country
Alan Gelfand at Clearwater, 377, 378–79
Dan Murray at Solid Surf, 639
Lonny Reiter at Rainbow Wave, 595
Mike McGill at Rainbow Wave, 424
Ray Diez at Rainbow Wave, 592
Croyl, Jeff, 377, 396, 498
Cullen, Paul, 677
cultural change during the 1970s, 8
"Da Kine," 19
Daly, Mike
Clearwater Pro Open, 508
on the Monster Hole, 326
at Rainbow Wave, 596
Rainbow Wave team, 578
Suncoast skating scene, 425
d'Ancona, Jason, 781
Davies, James, 404, 492, 520, 806
Day, Steve, 88, 356
Daytona skating enclave, 396
decals. See stickers
Alan Gelfand "Tank" signature model, 728, 730, 730–31, 732, 733, 734, 735
Bahne, 28, 28, 463
Beamer, 510–11, 511, 514, 518, 518–19, 520–21, 522
Bobby Little on solid hardwood decks, 116, 118–19, 633
Brite Lite, 582, 583, 636
Bruce Logan kicktail model, 242–43
Flite, 330, 521, 521, 698–99
G&S Fibreflex, 32–33, 47, 135, 136, 137, 137, 139, 245, 356
Harbour 12-Ply Light deck, 308, 309, 311
Hobie Skatepark Rider, 81, 81
Kelly Lynn's homemade decks, 84
kicktails, 137, 138, 139, 242–43, 246–62, 249
Kryptonics, 438, 438, 472–73
laminated Powell boards, 406
Lipslide wear and tear on, 168, 173, 175, 177
Little Skates beam-construction, 522, 522, 523, 533
Lonnie Toft, 250, 250, 251, 252, 254–55
Mike Folmer models, 460, 460, 461
and modern skateboarding, 17
Oceanus, 157, 159, 168, 168
Pat Love and Fox signature decks, 464, 470, 474
"pigs" (wide decks), 254, 308, 309, 432–33, 732
Pool Rider, 205, 205
rocker, 81
solid oak, 168
stiff versus flexible decks debate, 243, 245, 245
surf shop production of, 28–29
Turningpoint, 479, 526, 625–27, 626, 627, 640. 642–43
Variflex, 725, 725, 838, 839
"warptails," 245, 247, 249, 256, 257, 434
wood decks, 242–75
Delaney, Bill, 250
Delarson, Mike, 112, 538
Delarson, Richard, 110, 112, 538, 804, 806
De Laurentiis, Guy, 120, 121, 145
Del Mar Nationals (1975), 52–53, 54–55, 55, 57, 180, 214, 219, 233, 512
Del Mar Skateboard Ranch
design, 77, 455
Hester Series at, 688–89, 690, 692–97
Delray Beach, Florida
Boca Raton and Delray Beach cadre (Boca Boys), 334
Dan Murray, 633
Nomad Surf Shop, 447, 447, 464
Dement, Paul, 801
De Montrond, Rick "Spidey"
on Alan Gelfand and Mike McGill, 544
on Alan Gelfand's first no-handed air photo, 380
on Alan Gelfand's mastery of the Ollie, 829
on Alan Gelfand's success, 830, 831
on Allen Losi, 759
on Billy Beauregard, 759
on Powell-Peralta, 544
on Skateboard Madness (film), 765
on watching videotape of skating, 745
Denike, Bob, 47
Depth Charge, 164–68, 164, 165
Derby skatepark, 611
Derrah, Steve, 522
De Sota, Freddie, 748, 798
Devine, Brenda, 724, 740
Devine, Dan, 387
Dickinson, Laura, 35
Diez, Ray
bowl-riding skills, 634, 635
Cherry Hill Skateboard Park contest, 663
Clearwater Pro Open, 719
Fun 'N Sun Skateboard Championships, 605
Hollywood Ramp, 496, 648, 653
Kryptonics, 336
Layback Air, 634
Layback Grind, 496, 497, 634, 635
Layback Ollie Air, 634, 761
on Little deck at Rainbow Wave, 514, 522, 523
Little Skates, 522, 522, 633, 641
with Mike McGill, 578, 578
Peep Air, 634
at Rainbow Wave, 424, 578, 592, 599
rise to fame, 526
at Sensation Basin, 658
sponsorship, 336, 425, 522, 633
at Solid Surf, 826
Suncoast skating scene, 425
Directions (film), 330
dirtboarding, 294, 295
Dirt Bowl (Smiley's Pool), 145, 145
"Dirty White Boy" abrasions, 114
Disaster (Fakie Hang-Up)
Chuck Lagana, 428
Dan Murray, 339, 339, 428, 433, 438, 633, 831
hand-assisted, 398
naming of, 439
and Ollie Pop, 398, 452
and Stacy Peralta, 439
See also Clyde Slide
the Dish skatepark, 611
"Disney takeover" of Florida's recreation industry, 68–69
Disposable (Cliver), 728
Alabama, 800
Bert Parkerson, 194-95
Bert Parkerson in Hypoluxo ditch, 125
Dan Murray in 51st Street ditch, 121
Fairbanks ("The Rut"), 77, 569
North Florida, 652
Scott McCranels in Hypoluxo ditch, 29
Dittrich, Scott, 52, 235, 330
Divine, Jeff, 63
Dog Bowl, 271
Dogtown skaters
Craig Stecyk's Dogtown articles, 672, 674–75, 676, 677–78
Dogtown and Z-Boys (film), 142, 271, 665, 678
Dogtown Skates, 255, 522
Hester ISA Pro Bowl Series, 453, 453
Jay Adams on Russ Howell, 90
Lords of Dogtown (film), 678, 679
Marty Grimes, 387
Zephyr Skate Team, 57, 180, 233
Dogwood ramp, 124, 771, 771
Dominy, Dave, 37, 39, 39, 40, 247, 249, 255, 326, 704
Donel Distributors, 224, 225
Dootson, Di, 373, 373
Double Kickflip, 57
Downhill Motion (film), 765
drugs and skating, 347, 407, 407–8, 564, 794
Drury, John, 35
"dry boogie revival," 22
Dual Slalom, Fun 'N Sun Skateboard Championships, 606
Ducommun, Peter "PD," 605
Duerr, Andy, 121, 156, 198, 308, 312, 313
Duerr, Jeff
aerial pioneer, 281
Backside Ollie, 758
BMX biking, 134–35
board setup (1977), 174, 175
on Bobby Summers, 168, 171
Bump Ollie, 647
Bunny Hop, 180, 183
on Dave Nicks, 168, 171
on the Depth Charge, 165, 166–67
distrust of skate press and avoidance of media, 383, 391, 641, 830
Due Air (Ollie Air), 308, 311–12, 313, 316, 319, 376, 548, 829–30, 831–905, 833
Egg Mo Skate Designs, 630–31, 634, 637–38, 638
Fakie Ollie, 647, 761
flatground Ollie, 319, 420, 641, 644, 645, 647, 761, 836
Frontside Air, 308, 647
on Alan Gelfand and the skate media, 389, 391
Alan Gelfand's friendship with, 149, 564, 827
on Alan Gelfand's skating style, 241, 554
Gorilla Grip, 225, 226, 647
Hollywood, Florida skating enclaves, 121
Hollywood Ramp, 716
IHOPs, 197, 198, 226, 311–12, 341, 475, 647, 829
Lipslides and Boardslides, 173, 174
mentorship of younger skaters, 344, 346, 347, 347
new moves created by, 830
no-handed airs, 308, 311–12
Ollie Pop, 188, 196–97
Ollie to Grind, 645
180 Ollie, 647
Palm Beach warehouse contest (1976), 98, 99
on Pat Love, 471
pool riding, 142, 144–45, 145
on Rick Furness, 645
and Skateboard USA, 157–58, 347, 617
at Solid Surf, 633, 826, 830
South Florida skating scene, 655
street skating, 134–35, 137–38, 137
Tail Tap and Tail Slide, 264, 267
Team USA, 161
Duffett, Ben, 854
Dugan, Tom, 63
Duncan's Pool (Boca Raton, Florida), aka Fruit Bowl, 334, 334–35, 334, 335, 336
Dunlap, Scott, 431, 433, 435
Durick, Sam, 202, 300, 326
Durst, Steve, 661
early-release air (gonzo release), 306–7, 308, 362, 363
Earthin' Surfin' skatepark, 425
East Coast surfers
Florida Pro surfing competition, 60, 61, 62, 63
influence on skating styles, 60, 62
Eastern Crovellers Skate Board Club, 765
Eastern Surf Magazine, 63
East Hollywood (Florida) and beach skating enclave, 121
Easy Times magazine, 676
Economy, Ed, 209, 272
edger, 263
Edwards, Lorne, 492, 806
"The Effluence of Affluence" article, 60
Egg Mo Skate Designs, 630–31, 633, 633, 634
Einstein, Albert, 307
Elevator Drop
Chris West at Monster Hole, 339
Jimmy Plumer at Kona, 458, 459
Scott Goodman at North Bowl, 535
Shawn Peddie, 596, 597, 722, 723
Elguera, Eddie "El Gato"
Big O Pro-Am, 748, 749
Elguerial, 697, 725
Fakie Ollie, 761
Frontside Rock 'n' Roll, 789
rise to fame, 526
Vans Pro-Am Skateboard Competition, 721–22, 722, 725
Variflex team, 725, 798, 799
Ellis, Duncan, 334
El Monte spillway, 23
El Rio pool, 36
Emerald Hills skating enclave, 121
Encinitas, California, 21–22
Endless Summer (film), 232
Endless Wave skatepark, 78
for curb hopping, 129
David Carrasco, 130, 131
and early street skating, 127
Engblom, Skip, 529
Ernie Martin Skates, 354, 355
Escondido reservoir, 39, 77, 298
Esposito, Freddy, 106
Estes, Murray, 202, 204, 205, 205, 300
Eurocana, 776
Evans, Jim
"Accept No Substitutes" Cadillac Wheels ad, 31
Del Mar Nationals (1975), 52, 52–53
Freewheelin' (film) ad, 408, 408
skating on Cadillac Wheels, 52
Evans, Steve, 431, 605, 606
extended street slide, Guy De Laurentiis, 120
Fairbanks ditch ("The Rut"), 77, 569
Fakie Ollie
Alan Gelfand, 548, 550–51, 758
Allen Losi, 798
Caballerial (Fakie Ollie 360), 548, 550, 550, 551
Chris Baucom, 823
Eddie "El Gato" Elguera, 761
Eric Grisham, 798
Jeff Duerr, 647
Marc Sinclair, 279
Pat Love, 758
Tony Montalvo, 647, 761
Fakie Ollie Footplant, Allen Losi, 759, 798
Fakie-to-ceiling, Scott Goodman, 535
Fallbrook pool, 206–7
Felts, Eric, 801
fence ride at North Bowl, Dave Nicks, 188
Ferguson, Peter, 80
Fernando, Sam. See Stecyk, Craig, III, "C.R"
Ferris, Steve, 202
fiberglass boards, 27, 28, 29
51st Street ditch, 121
Fineman, Craig, 552, 553, 573
Firestone Welding, 322, 323
"First" contests, 54, 57, 57, 68, 367, 370, 370, 395
first skater-owned and operated companies Little Skates, 633 Logan Earth Ski, 250, 633 Sims Skateboards, 34, 250, 633 Wee Willi Winkels Skateboards, 250, 633
Fisher, Leslie, 506, 506
Fisher, Steve "Fish"
Cherry Hill Skateboard Park contest, 663, 664
Clearwater Pro Open, 508, 718
Clearwater team, 368, 369
Fun 'N Sun Skateboard Championships, 604, 605
Kryptonics team, 336
at Sensation Basin, 557
Suncoast skating scene, 425
Fisk, Jim, 662
Fitzgibbons, Kevin, 121, 633, 641
Fitzpatrick, Jim "Fitz," 521
Five Summer Stories Plus Four (film), 50, 219, 225, 249
flatground Ollie
Jeff Duerr, 319, 420, 641, 644, 647, 761, 836
Mark "Gonz" Gonzales, 644
Natas Kaupas, 644
Rick Furness and street skating, 642, 644, 645, 647
Rodney Mullen, 641, 644, 836
street skating, 644
Fleshman, John, 562, 563
Fletcher, Christian, 572
"Flex Hanger" Bennett plastic truck baseplate, 37, 37, 38
Flite decks, 330, 521, 521, 698–99
Flite snowboards, 37
Flite Skateboards, 37, 45, 685, 685, 696, 698–99
Flores, Ray, 677
Florida Pro surfing competition, 60, 61, 62, 63
Florida Skate Museum, 612
The Florida Times-Union, 281, 678
Florida Trends skatepark article, 80
Flow Motion Skatepark, 326
Fluid Drive (film), 330
Flying Wheels skatepark, 800
Flying Wheels Team Invitational, 498, 501
fly-out, 188, 193
Folmer, Jacquie, 509
Folmer, Mike "Flying Folmer"
aerial lipslide, 451
aerial pioneer, 445–46, 456
at Big O skatepark, 456–57, 458, 459
broken bones, 506, 509
and Cadillac Concourse, 338, 442–43
Clearwater Pro Open, 506, 509, 718
"FOLMER" graffiti at Cherry Hill Skateboard Park, 662
Frontside Roll-In, 457, 458
Fun 'N Sun Skateboard Championships, 373, 374, 377, 600–601, 605
at Get-A-Way skatepark, 801
Gullwing sponsorship, 506
Hard Waves, Soft Wheels (film), 162
Hollywood, Florida skating enclaves, 122
at Interspace ramp, 471
long jump, 449
loose-trucks skating style, 241
mentored by older skaters, 344
Nomad sponsorship, 125, 464
at Oasis Skatepark, 460
Ollie Pop, 452
Palm Beach warehouse contest (1976), 98
Pepsi Team Challenge, 397
at Rainbow Wave, 448, 449, 590, 591, 599
Saint Lucie power plant pipes, 624
at Sensation Basin, 399
signature decks, 460, 460, 461
SkateBoarder magazine cover, 486, 487, 489
on Skateboard Madness (film), 765
at Skateboard Safari, 446, 447
at Skateboard USA, 451–52
at Skatepark of Norfolk, 444
skating style, 555
at Winchester Skateboard Park, 438
WRAPS contests, 723
Footplant, Monty Nolder at Rainbow Wave, 527
foot straps, 214, 217, 268
Foot-Tred grip tape, 47, 49, 49
Forsyth, Noel, 811
Fort Lauderdale News and Sun-Sentinel, 91
Fort Walton Beach pool-riding contest, 106
Foss, Scott, 437, 565, 576, 665, 732, 771
four wheels out, 258–59, 260–302, 284, 285, 769
Fox Surf Shop and team, 94, 97–98, 98, 171, 189, 228, 463, 466
France, Jeff, 370, 371
Francis, Rob "Wedge," 51
Franklin, Fred, 498
Freeman, Jim, 50, 225
Free Ride (film), 250
freestyle skating
Del Mar Nationals, 52, 53, 54
Deme Rayta, 54
Edie Robertson, 90
Huck Andress, 356, 356
introduction of ramps to, 219, 222
Karen Snyder, 93
Kelly Lynn, 54, 67, 67
long jump, 377
Lulu Hart, 107
purists, 219
Russ Howell, 55, 57, 87, 90
Freewheelin' (film), 52, 102, 235, 249, 408, 739, 739, 765
Friedman, Glen E., 202, 270, 382, 628, 655
Frontside Air
Alan Gelfand at Lakewood, 434, 435
Alan Gelfand at Sensation Basin, 546–47
Dave Bentley at Monster Hole, 329
George McClellan, 285
George "Wild Man" Orton, 270–72, 270, 274
Jeff Duerr at Pinball ramp, 647
Jim Sigurdson at Upland, 298
Joe Santangelo at Ground Swell skatepark, 450
John "Wally" Sablosky, 275–76, 275
Juan Andres Toro in Caracas, Venezuela, 711
Kevin Reed at Hollywood Ramp, 716, 717
Pat Love, 467
Scott Goodman at Skateboard USA, 537
Scott McCranels at Ground Swell, 447
Tony Magnusson at New Sport House, 792
Frontside Handplant
Eddie Elguera, 799
Marco Goes, 166–67
Frontside Layback Air Tail Stall, 338
Frontside Rock 'n' Roll
Eddie Elguera, 789
Monty Nolder in Peanut Bowl, 742–43
Per Viking, 789
Frontside Roll-In, Rick Blackhart, 456–57, 457
Fruit Bowl (Highland Beach, Florida), aka Duncan's Pool, 334–35, 334, 335, 336
Fruit Bowl (Garden Grove, California), 552
Arizona desert pipes, 622, 624
Longwood Skateboard Track, 622, 622
Mount Baldy Pipeline, 435, 622, 623
The Pipeline skatepark, 430, 433, 622
Turningpoint Ramp, 468, 469, 478, 526, 589, 618–19, 619, 620, 621, 624–28, 625, 626, 627, 628, 629, 640
"The Funnel," Los Angeles, 77
Fun 'N Sun Skateboard Championships
Alan Gelfand at, 375, 376–77, 378–79, 605, 607
Clearwater team, 367–68, 369
Cross Country event, 376, 377, 378–79
Drew Street, 368
flier advertisement, 370
freestyle events, 377
halfpipe event, 376, 377
Kelly Lynn at, 370, 605, 607
lack of mainstream media coverage, 373
Mike Folmer at, 374
Mike McGill at, 605, 607
National Skateboard Review coverage, 372–73
Rodney Mullen at, 602, 603, 606, 607
Scott "Red" McCranels at, 374, 375
SkateBoarder magazine coverage of, 602, 607
slalom events, 369, 370, 370, 371
Steve Fisher at, 604, 605
team meeting, 364–65
Furness, Rick
BMX biking, 132–33, 133
Boardslide, 174, 174, 177
and Cadillac Concourse, 332, 338, 339, 341
Cadillac Concourse vert contest, 420, 421
C Bowl Boardslide, 174
C Bowl session, 122
dog Jason with Lonnie Toft deck, 645
first skateboard, 132
flatground Ollie and street skating, 131–34, 132, 133, 420, 642, 644, 645, 647, 761
Alan Gelfand's friendship with, 149, 564
on generational nature of skating, 643
Hollywood, Florida skating enclaves, 121
on Jeff Duerr landing the Ollie Air, 311, 312
Kryptonics Krypstik deck, 644
Ollie Pop, 196, 199
on Paul McCartney's Lipslides, 177
pool riding, 142, 144–45, 145
and Skateboard USA, 110, 113, 263, 308, 617, 645, 646, 647
South Florida skating scene, 655
street ramp, 698
Tail Tap, 264
and Team USA, 161
Turningpoint Ramp, 628
on vert skating at Skateboard USA, 150
Gable, Clark, 675
Gahimer, Lee, 431
Galvis, Carlos, 734, 734
garages and shaping boards, 416, 416
Garpeman, Ove, 792
Gelespy, Thelbert, 466
Gelfand, Alan "Ollie"
aerial pioneer, 281
Aerial Tail Tap, 551, 552
Air to Axle, 785, 785
attention-seeking behavior, 551–52
on avoidance of falling, 555
Backside Ollie, 756, 758
Backside Ollie Pop, 756, 756
Beamer decks, 522
Big O Pro-Am, 748–49, 751–53, 753
Bones Brigade, 532, 534, 555, 556, 560–63, 565, 576, 586, 588, 589, 636, 651, 658, 665, 722, 771
Bunny Hop, 183, 183
and Cadillac Concourse, 328, 363, 376, 381, 389, 614, 614, 615
Cadillac Concourse vert contest, 420, 422
Cadillac team, 367, 390
Cess Slide, 552, 552, 554
Cherry Hill Skateboard Park contest, 661–721, 664–65, 665
childhood, 128, 128, 414, 414, 416–17
in Clearwater, Florida, 729
Clearwater Pro Open, 489, 501, 502–3, 508, 509, 714–15, 716, 718, 718–19, 719
competition strategies and success, 551–52, 555, 556
on Dave Nicks, 168
departure from competition, 813, 814, 816
Depth Charge, 165, 299, 386, 551
early contests, 97, 98, 98, 99
favorite skating tricks, 551, 552
Flying Wheels competition, 498, 501
freestyle skating, 131, 138
Frontside Air, 319, 546–47
Fun 'N Sun Skateboard Championships, 366, 375, 376–77, 605
growing skate press popularity, 385, 386–87, 388, 389, 390, 390, 391, 391
G&S Warptail 2 setup, 256, 257, 363, 380, 381, 390
handplants and inverts, 814, 816
Hard Waves, Soft Wheels (film), 162, 163, 298
Hester Series at Del Mar Skateboard Ranch, 690, 692–97, 694–95
Hollywood, Florida skating enclaves, 121, 122
Hollywood Ramp, 492, 493, 494, 556, 648–49, 653, 716, 828
IHOPs, 305
and James Rennie, 298, 320–21, 323
on Jeff Duerr, 827
junk food diet, 564–65, 564, 779
Kansas City appearance, 562–63, 562
and Kevin Peterson, 149, 340, 344, 346, 346, 347, 347
knee injuries, 813, 816, 818, 819
at Kona skatepark, 560
at Lakewood Skateboard World, 434, 435–37, 436, 437
Lipslide, 189
mentorship of younger skaters, 560, 562–63
and Mike McGill, 423–24, 543, 555, 578, 581, 585
and "My Sharona," 551, 695, 695
at New Sport House, 790, 791, 792–94, 793
1978 California trips, 411, 417, 427, 428, 428, 430, 432–39, 434, 436, 437, 441, 478, 486–87, 489
North Bowl fall, 812–13
at Oaks pool, 159, 200, 238
Olliewood skatepark, 834, 834
origin of "Ollie" nickname, 189, 191–93
original moves introduced by, 548, 551, 551
and Pat Love's My-Hop, 462–63, 464, 467–68, 471, 475
Peanut Bowl design at Solid Surf, 736–37, 740, 741, 743, 744, 744
pinball obsession, 539–40, 541, 541
at Pinball ramp, 831
Powell-Peralta A.G.M. "Tank" signature deck, 728, 730, 730–31, 732, 733, 734, 734, 735, 825, 825
Powell-Peralta sponsorship, 441, 486–87, 492, 494, 532, 538, 544, 548, 557, 586, 672, 674, 675, 678
pranks and practical joking, 542–43, 542
professional demeanor, 561–64, 565, 831
at Rainbow Wave, 423–24, 425, 488, 489, 554, 574, 584, 592, 596, 599
rise to fame, 298, 544, 544, 654, 655, 770–71
Rock 'n' Roll at Clearwater Pro Open, 718, 719
"Rubberman" nickname, 158
safety equipment and safe skating, 563, 565, 816–17, 819
Santa Barbara Skateboards ad, 390, 390, 391
and Scott Goodman, 149, 187, 189, 191–92, 381, 414, 534–35, 537–38, 540–41, 733, 829
at Sensation Basin, 366, 367, 475–76, 481–82, 483, 546–47, 557, 658, 661, 723, 837
short-tailed board setup, 241, 241
Sims board and Bowl Rider wheels, 191
and SkateBoarder magazine, 260, 260, 380, 381–83, 381, 512, 513, 547, 548, 564–65, 650, 652, 655
Skateboard Madness (film), 526, 529, 767
and Skateboard USA, 102, 110, 113, 113, 117, 149, 158, 158, 190, 296–97, 530–31, 534, 538, 835
at SkaterCross, 565
skating style and consistency, 241, 554, 555, 556, 556, 761, 837
slalom, 148
Smyrna Surf Shack ad, 390, 390
at Solid Surf, 91, 510–11, 553, 558–59, 561, 641, 740, 741, 754–55, 826–27, 827, 829
and Stacy Peralta, 239–41, 245, 831
and street skating, 128–29, 131, 131
substance-free lifestyle, 563–64
Super Skate Show in Caracas, Venezuela, 702, 707, 708, 709, 710, 711–12
Swedish Summer Camp, 772–73, 775–77, 779, 781–85, 781, 784, 785, 794–95
Team USA, 161, 539, 540
Texas Spring Series, 821, 824–25, 825
tight trucks preference, 241, 554
Tracker Trucks, 189, 191, 436, 546–47, 548, 549, 557
Vans Pro-Am Skateboard Competition, 724–25, 724
and Vans shoes, 557, 657, 664–65, 665
at Winchester skatepark, 437–39
See also the Ollie; the Ollie Pop
Gelfand, Barbara, 128, 413, 414–15
Gelfand, Gene, 428, 441
Gefland, Sharon, 695
Gelfand family, 414, 416–17
Geraldton, Australia, skateboard track, 77
Get-A-Way skatepark, 800–801, 800, 804
Gibson, John "Tex," 526, 668, 692–94, 692, 693, 753, 804, 809
Gibson, Peter, 791, 791
Gillogly, Brian, 94, 274, 681, 809
The Glass Wave skatepark, 78
gloves, specialized skating gloves, 185, 185
Goddess surf shop, 74
Godfrey, Dean, 662
Godfrey, Jami, 544, 576, 662, 664, 665
Goes, Marco
Bertlemann slide, 167
Cadillac Concourse vert contest, 420
Cadillac team, 367
Depth Charge, 165–67
frontside invert, 166
Hard Waves, Soft Wheels (film), 162
North Bowl kickturn, 166
at South Beach pier, 167
South Florida skating scene, 655
Go For It (film), 217, 566, 566, 765
Go For It aerial freestyle bindings, 294, 295
Goicochea, Lander, 712
Going Surfin' (film), 250
Gold Cup series, 440, 441, 753, 693, 734, 735, 753, 775, 798, 811, 814, 815
Gonzales, Joe, 758
Gonzales, Mark "Gonz," 644, 686, 752
Gonzales, Robert, 272
Gonzalez, Charley
aerial pioneer, 281
Daytona enclave, 396
East Coast Brewer team, 445
Fun 'N Sun Skateboard Championships, 377, 606
at Sensation Basin, 661
at Skateboard City, 65, 66, 67
at Tomoka Moon Forest, 854
gonzo release (early-release air), 306–7, 308, 362, 363
Goodman, Joel "Bear," 361
Goodman, Scott
aerial pioneer, 281
on Alan Gelfand's charisma, 385, 386, 387, 391
on Alan Gelfand's family, 414, 417
on Alan Gelfand's junk food diet, 564
on Alan Gelfand's substance-free lifestyle, 564
BMX biking, 133, 134
and Cadillac Concourse, 534–35
Dogtown deck, 536, 537
Elevator Drop, 535
Fakie-to-ceiling, 535
friendship with Alan Gelfand, 149, 381, 414, 534–35, 537–38, 540–41, 733, 829
Frontside Air, 537
Gorilla Grip, 15
Hollywood, Florida skating enclaves, 121, 122
Hollywood Skating Center contest (1976), 98, 99
and James Rennie, 320–21, 323
on Jeff Duerr, 644, 830, 833
and Kevin Peterson, 343, 346
Kickflip, 56, 57, 764
on naming the Ollie and the Ollie Pop, 187, 189, 191–92, 732
Palm Beach warehouse contest (1976), 93, 98
at Oaks pool, 159, 238
Ollie Pop, 196
pool riding, 142, 144–45, 145
and Rick Furness, 420
at Skateboard USA, 179, 263, 535, 537, 537
and street skating, 131–34, 135–36, 135, 138, 138
Team USA, 161, 539, 540
vert skating skills, 535, 535, 537, 537
Goodrich, Jim
Alan Gelfand photos, 435
on Craig Stecyk, 677–78, 679, 774
on demise of SkateBoarder magazine, 807, 809–10
on Florida skate scene, 602
Fun 'N Sun Skateboard Championships, 602, 605, 605, 607
at Hollywood Ramp, 339
at La Costa, 80, 268, 406
Marty Grimes photo, 387
photography for SkateBoarder magazine, 97, 268–69, 517, 522, 532, 544, 556–57
on Powell-Peralta and Bones Brigade, 409, 532, 544, 544, 581, 661
Ray Diez photo, 522, 523
on skating pioneers, 768
Super Skate Show in Caracas, Venezuela, 702, 707, 708–9, 710, 711–12
on Tony Alva, 674–75
Gordon, Betsy, 679
Gordon, Larry, 233, 247, 249, 255, 257, 404
Gordon & Smith (G&S) skateboard company
1970s revival and G&S Fibreflex, 29
Boca Raton skate team, 150
Bowlrider with kicktail, 138, 139
distribution of Rockit decks, 254, 255, 257
Fibreflex decks, 32–33, 47, 135, 136, 137, 137, 139, 245, 356
sponsorship of Hackett brothers, 291, 291
sponsorship of Stacy Peralta, 233, 247, 249
Stacy Peralta Warptail decks, 245, 247, 249, 257, 257, 308
Gorilla Grip
aerial maneuver, 213, 260, 295, 514
Dave Bentley, 215, 223, 290, 302–3, 350, 358, 359
David Hackett, 211
Ed Nadalin, 218, 222, 222, 225
Edie Robertson, 222
Jeff Duerr, 137, 225–26, 347, 647
Kelly Lynn, 226, 227
Michael Brooke, 225
Rip Hanks, 210, 211
Scott Goodman, 15
Skitch Hitchcock, 211–17, 219, 225–28
Shaun Jackson, 228, 229
Stuart Singer, 224
"Unassisted Aerial Hopping" (Gorilla Grip) how-to article, 213, 225
Gosnell, Russ, 202, 203, 270
Gough, Sean, 851
Göthberg, Hans, 779, 779, 785
Grabke, Claus, 213, 777
Graham, Jack, 69
Grandinetti, Justin, 286
Grandinetti, Tony, 518, 518
Graves, James, 94
Graves, Lewis, 94, 566
Grayson, Jacky, 68, 97, 330–31, 331, 566, 568
Green, Scott, 596, 597
Green, Tracey, 251
Gregory, Pierce, 322, 327
GrenTec skateboards, 71, 72, 87, 87, 90–91
Griffin, Gunnar, 60, 372
Griffin, John, 60, 372, 372
Griffin, Rick, 52
Griffith, Mark, 24
Grigley, John, 361, 425
Grimes, Marty, 387, 387
Grindmaster, 518, 519
grip tape, 34, 47, 48, 49, 49, 412–13, 417, 417
Grisham, Eric, 526, 725, 748, 749, 798
Groholski, Tom, 662
grom (beginner), 64
Ground Swell skatepark, 447, 450
Bobby Little, 123
Gordy Lienemann, 87
Leslie Fisher, 506
Guerrero, Tommy, 565, 686
Gullwing, 516, 810
Gullwing Pro trucks, 506
gunite at Skateboard USA, 114–15
Gunnair (Indy Air), 270, 271, 271
Gutierrez, Michael, 346
Haake, Mitchell, 248, 249
Hackett, David
contest judging, 338, 605
on evolution of skating moves, 514
and foot straps (Suspenders), 268, 289, 291
Gorilla Grip, 211
Off-the-Lip aerial, 193
on skating sponsorships, 557
Hackett, Paul, 290, 291, 295
Hakman, Jeff, 232
Clearwater Skateboard Park, 367, 501, 502–3, 504–6, 504, 505, 507, 508
Firestone Welding, 322, 322
first-generation halfpipe, 490–91
Fun 'N Sun Skateboard Championships, 376, 377
Mark Lake's backyard ramp, 235, 235
Rainbow Wave, 422, 422
Rampage halfpipe, 326, 327, 494, 495, 495, 622
Skateboard World, 426–27
Swedish Summer Camp, 776, 784, 784
Water Bros. surf shop, 45
See also Hollywood Ramp; Lakewood Center Skateboard World
Halley, Craig, 232, 236
Hamilton, Kenny, 753
Hanak, Todd, 771
handplant (invert)
Alan Gelfand at South Bowl, 190
Bobby Valdez, 329, 453
Dave Nicks at Skateboard USA, 152–53
Depth Charge, 164–68, 164, 165
Gunnar Haugo, 201
"Meatball" at Skateboard USA, 157
Mike Cox at Sensation Basin, 660
Patala Pop-Out, 622
Handstand Kickflip
Huck Andress, 356, 356
Steve Day, 356
Air Shooms and, 292, 293
Alan Gelfand, 415
Dave Bentley, 107
Gary Harkey at Haulover Inlet, 155
George McClellan, 29
Haulover Inlet, 155
Karen Snyder, 377
Patti McGee, 26, 28
Russ Howell, 89
on soda cans, 55
Susan Strausberg, 359
Hang Ten World Pro-Am Skateboard Championships (1975, Los Angeles), 57
Hang Ten World Skateboard Championships (1976, Carlsbad), 677
Hanks, Rip, 210, 211
Hansel, Bruce, 369
Harbour, Rich, 308, 310, 311, 529
Harbour decks
fiberglass decks, 310
Harbour 12-Ply Light deck, 308, 309, 311
Harbour surfboard company, 28
Harding, Lee, 323, 379, 380–83, 652
Hard Waves, Soft Wheels (film), 162–64, 162, 164, 165, 180, 298, 446, 765
Hardy, Oliver, 191
Hardy, Donald, 334
Harkey, Gary, 155
Harris, Kevin, 686
Harrison, Alan, 605, 695
Harrow Skate Park, 323
Hart, Lulu, 107
Hartley, Don "The Mad Carver," 605
Hartline, Richard "Tall," 662
Hartline, Tom "Small," 662
Hartman, Phil, 232, 767
Harvey, Rodga, 851
Harward, Bill, 21–22
Haugo, Gunnar
and Alan Gelfand, 301
on Alan Gelfand's Fakie Ollie 360, 550–51
at Carlsbad Skatepark, 200, 201
on engineered approach to skating, 297
at Fallbrook pool, 206–7
on George "Wild Man" Orton, 271
Gunnair (Indy Air), 270, 271, 271
Kona Boys, 202, 205–18
on Mike Folmer, 459
and "pigs" (wide decks), 254
radius-edged wheels, 298, 300
on Rick Blackhart, 457, 458
and the Sharp brothers, 267
on SkateBoarder magazine blacklist, 300
Tracker Trucks, 39
Haulover Inlet, 108, 155–56, 155, 358
Haut, Doug, 45
Haut Skateboards, 716, 717
Haut skate team, 437
Hawk, Tony
Backside Ollie to Tail, 592
Bones Brigade, 565, 566, 665
on "David Z" Zakrzewski, 756
Hester Series at Del Mar Skateboard Ranch, 689, 690, 692, 693, 695
Loop of Death, 627
natural skills and talent, 331
Ollie Air, 836
Super Skate Show in Caracas, Venezuela, 701
Swedish Summer Camp, 777
video game, 610, 611
Hays, Mike, 562
Hazelton, Bruce, 151
headstand, Alan Gelfand, 131
Heavyside, Ron, 447, 464
Heitfield, Vernon, 20–21
Heller, Greg, 589
CCM, 301, 301
Flyaway, 661, 661
Pro-Tec, 482, 487, 661
Henderson, Jeremy, 277, 277, 279
Henderson, Rusty, 60
Henry, John, 833
Herring, Steve, 662
Hesselgrave, Curtis, 202, 267, 454, 495, 690, 693, 694
Hester, Henry, 235, 247, 272, 358, 406, 452, 454, 454, 455, 455
Hester ISA Pro Bowl Series, 274, 452–56, 452, 453
Hester Road Rider wheels, 358
high jump
Boca Raton High school demo, 335
Bryan Beardsley, 354, 357, 357
Busch Gardens chimpanzee, 226
Dave Bentley Gorilla Grip, 351
Ernie Martin, 353–54, 353
Mark Bowden, 354, 357
Scott Goodman, 138
skate contests, 97, 99, 455, 676
Ty Page, 354, 357
Wee Willi Winkels, 253
Hilton, Kenny, 334, 334, 335, 335
"Hippie Jump." See high jump
Hi-Roller Skatepark, 798, 799
Hirsch, Mike, 748
Hirsch, Steve
Alley-Oop Rock 'n' Roll Boardslide, 752
Backside Ollie, 751
Big O Pro-Am, 748, 749, 751–52
Big O skatepark, 748
Fakie Ollie, 801
Vans Pro-Am, 725
Variflex deck, 750, 751, 751
Variflex team, 797, 798
Hitchcock, Garrison, 213
Hitchcock, Skitch
"Airborne Devil" nickname, 214
Del Mar Nationals (1975), 55, 57, 180, 214
Gorilla Grip, 213–14, 217, 225, 228, 295
handcrafted foam and fiberglass boards, 216, 217
Hobie skateboard team, 213
at Kona skatepark, 219
The Magic Rolling Board (film), 225
signature boards, 220
signature truck, 221
and skate industry, 407
Spinn'in Wheels (film), 51, 214
stiff versus flexible decks debate, 245
and surfing aerials, 566
trading card, 220
Turningpoint Ramp, 628
"World Freestyle Skateboard Champion," 212
Hobie skateboards, 21, 26, 27, 28, 87, 213, 213, 216
Hobie skateboard team, 213–14, 540, 541, 721–22, 722, 777
Hobie Skatepark Rider, 81, 81
Hoffman, Don, 327, 428, 430, 432, 434, 722, 725, 747, 753
Hoffman, Jeanne, 327, 430
Hoffman, Pattie, 740, 798
Hoffman, Paul, 406, 682, 684, 684–85, 684, 829
Hoffman, Stan, 327, 430
Holeman, John
360 aerial (surfing), 571, 571
double rail-grab 360 aerial (surfing), 571
Holknekt, Per, 779
Hollien, Keith, 395
Hollyday, Wally, 423, 435, 661, 752
Hollywood, Florida
Bread Building garage, 154, 155
creation of the Ollie, 15, 15
Hollywood Skating Center, 91, 97–99, 99
neighborhood enclaves, 121–22
and Skateboard USA, 121, 122
street skating, 118–37
See also Hollywood Ramp; Skateboard USA
Young Circle, 135, 144, 154, 155, 192, 192
Hollywood Ramp
Alan Gelfand at, 492, 493, 494, 556, 648–49, 653, 716, 828
Brad Bowman, 666–67
Dan Murray, 339
design, 495–96, 497, 704
George McClellan, 649
Kevin Reed's Frontside Air, 716, 717
Mike McGill, 648, 653
Ray Diez, 496, 648, 653
repairs and permitting issues, 716
Robbie Kerrigan's Cess Slide, 717
Tony Grandinetti, 518
Horan, Cheyne, 51, 60, 217
Horseshoe bowl, Solid Surf skatepark, 238–41, 240
Hosoi, Christian, 441, 665, 693, 732, 734, 735, 753
Hosoi Skateboards, 253
Hotfoot skateboards, 222, 222
Hot Wheels'N Big Deals (film), 275, 276
Houston, Ross, 47
How Did I Get Here? (Hawk), 566
Howell, Russ
360s, 86
at Albany Skate Track, 77
Australian tour with Stacy Peralta, 233, 408
Bertlemann slide, 409
Bunny Hop, 180
Del Mar Nationals, 55, 57, 214
Gorilla Grip, 213
as godfather of the era, 87
as "Grand-daddy of Skateboarding," 88
as GrenTec spokesperson, 87, 432
and legitimacy of skateboarding, 87, 87, 88, 89, 90
pool riding and skatepark design, 104, 207
Skateboard magazine (O'Mahoney), 35
Skateboard Techniques, Safety, Maintenance handbook, 88, 89
and skate industry, 407
at Taito Skateboard Center, 74, 74
The Ultimate Flex Machine (film), 51
Howell Skateboards, 88
H-Street Skateboards, 792
Hubbard, Tim, 818
Hugger skateboards, 218, 219
Hughes, John
and Alan Gelfand, 323
downhill racing, 298, 322, 322
at Escondido reservoir, 298
and Firestone Welding, 322, 323
founding of UFO, 298
and Gunnar Haugo, 300
Hughes, Langston, 365
Hughston, Scott, 498, 500
Hults, Chuck, 425
Humpston, Wes, 255, 679
Hunt, Brian, 298, 298
Hunt, Tay, 270, 431
Hurley, Bob, 423, 661
Hurley, Kurt, 352, 556, 829
Hutson, John, 605, 606, 676
Hypoluxo ditch, Palm Beach County, 29, 125, 125, 276, 447
IHOP (Intentionally High Ollie Pop), 197, 198, 199, 199, 240
Independent Trucks, 39, 432–33, 557
Indian Harbour Beach Skatepark, 231, 236, 236, 281, 445
Indy Air. See Gunnair
Infinity surfboards, 28
Alan Gelfand's knee, 813, 816, 818, 819
and Cadillac Concourse, 339, 341
Curt Kimbel knee sliding article, 819
Mike Folmer's broken bones, 506, 509
Rick Furness, 339, 341, 420, 645
Inland Surf Shop, 450
Inouye, Tom "Wally"
aerial pioneer, 270, 272, 281, 517
Backside Air at SkaterCross, 279–98
Caster skate team, 693
and the Monster Hole, 327
SkateBoarder grabbed aerial, 267
at Spring Valley skatepark, 279
Team Tunnel, 249
"In Search of Skatopia" article, 67
insurance fraud, early skateparks, 82
Intelligence Report (Bones Brigade newsletter), 411, 589
International Skateboarding Association (ISA), 454
International Professional Surfers (IPS), 62
Interspace skate 'zine, 471
Interspace ramp, 471
invert. See handplant (invert)
Invisible Skateboards, 71, 72
ISA Northern California Pro competition, 437–39
Island Estates, 24–25
"It's OK" (Beach Boys TV special), 102, 104, 104
Izan, Carlos. See Stecyk, Craig, III, "C.R"
"J. T. Air" (Backside Ollie)
Hester Series at Del Mar Skateboard Ranch, 696
Jeff Tatum at Surf de Earth, 698–99
Jack Smith, 22
Jackson, Joel, 612
Jackson, Shaun, 98, 98, 99, 228, 228–29, 346
Jacobs, Marty, 106
Jacobsson, Hans "Puttis," 779
J&A Enterprises, 290
James, Ted, 94
Jans, Jo, 232
Jarvis, Bob, 213–14
Jeff Ho Surfboards, 57
Jensen, Kyle, 693
Jepsen, Hal
Go For It (film), 566
Skateboard Madness (film), 232–33, 232, 234, 235–36, 363, 525, 526, 528–29, 768
surfing films, 50, 55, 232
Jesiolowski, Mike, 577, 662, 664, 665
Jespersen, Lee, 202, 204, 300
Jesse, Rodney
aerial pioneer, 270, 451, 452, 467
aggressive skating style, 445–46
Firestone Welding halfpipe ad, 323
at Kona Bowl, 205, 233
Spider Bowl Skate Rider cover, 445
Jingles (person), 851
Johnson, Craig, 501, 825
Johnson, Gary, 804
Johnson, Jennifer, 251
Johnson, Torger, 51, 60, 249
Johnson, V. Courtlandt, 255, 409, 521, 532, 533, 728, 730–31
Johnson Street skateboard contest, 122
Jones, Darrell, 260
Jones, Steve, 60
Joslin, Hunter
Cadillac Wheels Skateboard Concourse, 327
Fun 'N Sun Skateboard Championships, 367
Hard Waves, Soft Wheels (film), 162
Hester ISA Pro Bowl Series, 456
Hester Series emcee, 452, 452
mentorship of younger skaters, 344
Saint Lucie power plant pipes, 624
Sims East team manager, 350, 451
at Skateboard USA, 451–52
surfing Uluwatu Beach, 456
at Winchester Skateboard Park, 438
Jourgensen, Al, 195
Juice magazine, 213, 373, 409, 674
Kanaiaupuni, Barry, 232
Kasai, Lester, 78, 80
Katz, Eddie, 78
Kaufmann, Mike, 447
Kaufmann, Mitch, 281, 447, 458, 661
Kaupas, Natas, 644, 686
K-Beam decks, 438, 438, 472–73, 521, 521
Keagy, Bart, 662
Kechele, Matt "Kech"
aerial surfing pioneer, 331
Kech Air, 567, 568–69, 570–72
Kech Air surfboards, 568, 569, 570
Ocean Avenue surf team, 566–67
at Sensation Basin, 740
wake surfing, 570, 570, 572
Walker sponsorship, 97
Kelly, Brian, 560
Kelly, Dave, 167
Kennedy, Glen, 269
Kennedy Surf Shop, 269
Kerrigan, Robbie, 716, 717
Kerscher, Bernice, 372
keyhole pool, Winchester Skateboard Park, 437, 438
Carew Carswell, 377
Curt Lindgren, 57, 682
Scott Goodman, 56, 57, 764
Tim Scroggs, 682, 682
See also Mullen, Rodney; Ollie Kickflip
Alan Gelfand's Sims Taperkick deck, 241, 241
Bruce Logan deck, 242–43
Dave Nicks' decks, 168
G&S Fibreflex decks, 137, 137, 138
Larry Stevenson patent, 246–62
Rockit maple-ply decks, 254, 254, 255, 257
Stacy Peralta Warptail decks, 245, 247, 249, 257, 257
Albany Skate Track, 14, 15
Dan Murray at Duncan's Pool, 336, 336
Dave Nicks at Oaks pool, 158
Kirk Pitts at the Rat Hole, 106
Meanwhile Gardens, 850, 851
Mike Weed at Carlsbad Skatepark, 70
Rick Furness at Dirt Bowl, 145
Scott "Red" McCranels at Skateboard City, 58–59
Kimbel, Curt
on Chris Strople, 517
at Del Mar Skateboard Ranch, 689, 690, 691, 695
on George Orton, 272
knee sliding article, 819
at La Costa, 431
and The Pipeline, 431
King, Mike, 98, 110, 111
Kirch, Barrie Lynn, 738
Kito, Masahito, 74
Klugel, Glenn, 330–31, 346, 566
Klugel, Jeff, 68, 566, 568, 569
Knievel, Evel, 135
Koch, Fredrik, 778, 779
Kona Bowl, 77, 202, 204, 205–18, 209
Kona Boys, 202, 204, 205–18, 205, 209, 209, 300
Kona Pro-Am, 306
Kona Skatepark
aerial pioneers at, 281
Bruce Walker at, 96
construction and opening, 68, 322
Firestone ramp at, 322
"Go For It" contests, 822
halfpipes, 823, 824
Jacksonville skating scene, 447
Kona Nationals, 357, 367
reopening, 610
Skateboard magazine, 822, 822
Skitch Hitchcock at, 219
Stacy Peralta at, 235
the Tombstone at Kona, 96, 107
Koraeus, Hans "Corky," 779
Kritz, Kevin, 55
Kryptonics decks, 438, 438, 472–73, 521, 521, 592, 593
Kryptonics team, 336
Kryptonics wheels, 434, 435, 438
Kubo, Shogo
AirBeam decks, 522
and Cadillac Concourse, 327, 340
Clearwater Pro Open, 506, 509
Dogtown and Z-Boys (film), 678
Dogtown skaters, 267, 275, 677, 692
Kukkonen, Gary, 466
La Costa hills
Chris Carmichael filming Spinn'in Wheels, 51
early days of urethane wheels at, 24–25, 26
G&S team at, 406, 406
Henry Hester at, 454
LaFay, Jason, 443
Lagana, Carlos "Chuck"
and Cadillac Concourse, 338, 339
Cadillac Concourse vert contest, 420
Cess Slide, 552, 554
Disaster (Fakie Hang-Up), 339, 428
Fox skate team, 466
on Frontside Roll-In, 457, 458
Fun 'N Sun Skateboard Championships, 364–65
Hard Waves, Soft Wheels (film), 162–63, 163
Hollywood, Florida skating enclaves, 122
on Mike Folmer, 458
and the My-Hop, 464, 467, 467
at Rainbow Wave Pro-Am, 590–91, 592, 594, 595
on Rodney Jesse, 445
Saint Lucie power plant pipes, 624
Sims East team, 449–51, 450
on Skateboard Safari, 446–47
and Skateboard USA, 115–16, 451
on skating with Alan Gelfand, 538
on vert skating, 149
Lake, Arthur, 677
Lake, Mark
advancement of vert skating, 330, 330, 331
Big O membership card, 852
Cherry Hill Skateboard Park contest, 663
Clearwater Pro Open, 506
Flying Wheels Team Invitational, 498
Gullwing sponsorship, 506
Kona Pro-Am, 306
Lake Flip (Miller Flip), 101, 231, 236, 237, 238, 331
signature deck, 471
Skateboard Madness (film), 236, 236, 237
on takeoff ramp at Skateboard USA skatepark, 101
wood halfpipe, 622
WRAPS contests, 723
Lake, Tim, 508
Lake Flip (Miller Flip), 101, 231, 236, 237, 238, 331
Lakewood Center Skateboard World, 285, 411, 411, 434, 435–37, 455, 486–87
La Mar, Bert, 460, 526, 725
Lanagan, Brad, 495
Lapper anti-hangup device, 401
See also Clyde Slide anti-hangup device
Larson, Chris, 88
Last Tango at Pumphouse (unreleased film), 163
Lauderdale-by-the-Sea (LBS) crew, 556
Laurel and Hardy and "Ollie" nickname, 191, 193
Lawrence, D. H., 609
Lawrence, Teri, 272
Peggy Turner, 810
Ray Diez, 496, 634, 635
Steve Hirsch, 752
Layback Air
Mike McGill at Marina Del Rey Skatepark, 582, 585
Mike McGill at Rainbow Wave, 579
Layback Grind, Ray Diez at Solid Surf, 634, 635
Layback Ollie
Billy Ruff, 761
Kevin Moore, 634
Ray Diez, 634, 761
Ledterman, Kurt "Mellow Cat," 232
Leiter, Ron, 129
Lemon Rush vert extension, North Bowl, 352, 352
Lester, Steve, 466
Leucadia Surf Shop, 22
Levis, Richard, 277
Levis, Tim, 277
Lewis, Mark, 401, 482, 489, 762
Lienemann, Gordy
Bunny Hop and distance jumping, 183
on Craig Stecyk, 678
experimental Lonnie Toft deck, 252
G-Turn, 87
"It's OK" (Beach Boys TV special), 102, 104, 104
Pepsi Skateboard Team, 410, 410
Skateboard magazine (O'Mahoney) team, 35
LIFE magazine, 26, 28
"limit hunting," new skating technology and moves, 22, 188–89
Linda's Place, 192, 192
Lindgren, Curt, 57, 682
Lip Slider anti-hangup device, 150
Andy Campos, 189
emergence, 151, 151
Huck Andress at Skateboard City, 150
Kevin White, 151
and Skateboard USA, 172, 173, 174, 174, 175, 176, 177
LiteBeam (Alva) decks, 521
Little, Bobby
building decks, 632, 633
on cul-de-sac ramp in Hollywood, 118–19
on curved wooden ramp, 124
freestyle skating, 684, 684
G-Turn, 123
Hollywood, Florida skating enclaves, 121
Little Skates team, 641
Palm Beach warehouse contest (1976), 98
Pogo (early hopping tailstand), 475
at Rainbow Wave, 584
at Sensation Basin, 661
shaping boards, 416, 416
at Skateboard Heaven (Fort Lauderdale, Florida), 78
at Skateboard USA, 116, 541, 835
at Solid Surf, 826–27
South Florida skating scene, 655
and Team USA, 161
on Tim Scroggs, 684
Little, Robert, Sr., 835, 835
Little Hawaii Surf Shop, 121, 121
Little Skates
beam-construction decks, 483, 522, 522, 523, 533, 632, 633
first skater-owned and operated companies, 633
solid wood decks, 116, 118–19, 633
team, 633, 637, 638, 641, 641
Loehr, Greg, 97, 330–31, 566, 567, 568, 569, 570
Logan, Barbara "Mother Earth Ski," 246, 246
Logan, Brad, 246, 249
Logan, Brian, 219, 222, 246, 249
Logan, Bruce, 244
Del Mar Nationals, 55, 57
at Escondido reservoir, 298
freestyle skating purism, 219, 682
at La Costa, 26
Makaha skateboard team, 60
original kicktail model deck, 242–43, 336
preference for wood decks, 243, 245, 249
Spinn'in Wheels (film), 51
Logan, Robin, 57, 246, 246, 249, 373
Logan Earth Ski, 37, 219, 245, 246, 250, 247, 249, 263, 402, 633
Loges, Crystal
Clearwater team, 368
Fun 'N Sun Skateboard Championships, 605
at Rainbow Wave, 422
Vans Pro-Am Skateboard Competition, 724
London, England's Meanwhile Gardens, 11, 11, 71, 73, 73, 277, 850, 851
London Skates Dominate, 851, 851
Alan Gelfand headstand, 131
Bill Bentley at Tea Bowl, 352, 352
in Florida Panhandle, 106
Henry Sarria, 383
Hollywood Skating Center contest flier, 94, 95
Jeff Tatum, 209, 696, 697
Steve Anderson 335
Tom Sims, 249–250, 251
long jump
Dave Bentley, 377
Mike Folmer, 449
Longwood Skateboard Track, 114, 622, 622
loose-bearing wheels, 37, 39, 43, 44
Lopez, Andrew, 825
Lopez, Gerry "Mr. Pipeline," 63, 232
Lords of Dogtown (film), 678, 679
Losenbeck, Mark, 121, 144, 347
Losenbeck, Mike, 121, 144, 347
Losi, Allen, 526, 591, 725, 748, 749, 758, 761, 798, 801
Losi, Gil, 798, 801
Love, Pat
aerial pioneer, 281, 467, 475, 515, 669
Backside Ollie, 758
and Cadillac Concourse, 338
Cadillac Concourse vert contest, 420
at Clearwater Pro Open, 489
Fakie Ollie, 758, 761
Fox sponsorship and signature decks, 464, 470, 474
Fun 'N Sun Skateboard Championships, 364–65, 376
Hard Waves, Soft Wheels (film), 162
Hollywood, Florida skating enclave, 121–22, 526
Interspace ramp, 471
Kona "Go For It" contests, 822
My-Hop, 462–63, 464, 467–68, 471, 475
Rainbow Wave Pro-Am, 592, 595
Rat Hop, 471, 475
Saint Lucie power plant pipes, 624
Skateboard Madness (film), 526, 529
at Skateboard Safari, 447, 464, 467
at Solid Surf, 473–74
Surf and Skate Expo, 465
on the Turningpoint Ramp, 468, 469
L-Pool, 77, 142, 431, 431, 552, 622
L.S.D. See London Skates Dominate
Lum's restaurant, 192, 192
Evel Knievel, 135
skateboard theme, 71, 71
Lunder, Lars Petter "LP," 781
Lynch, Bob, 106
Lynn, Kelly
on Alan Gelfand's skating style, 556, 761
American Skateboard Association (ASA) ad, 226, 227
Cherry Hill membership card, 855
Cherry Hill Skateboard Park contest, 663
at Clearwater Pro Open, 485, 489, 503, 508, 508, 526
Daytona enclave, 396
Flying Wheels Team Invitational, 498, 501
foot strap-assisted aerial, 289
freestyle skating, 54, 67, 67
Fun 'N Sun Skateboard Championships, 370, 605, 607
Gorilla Grip, 225, 226
Layback Air at Rainbow Wave, 762–63
Layback Air creation, 582
Longwood Skateboard Track fullpipe, 622
Markel Skateboards, 482, 483, 484, 498, 499
at Oaks pool, 159
Rainbow Wave Pro-Am, 594, 595, 596, 599
on rapid evolution of original skating moves, 763
at Sensation Basin, 482, 658, 661, 661
at Skateboard City, 64, 258–59
WRAPS contests, 723
Lyon, Andy, 295
McCabe, Dan, 308
McCall, Jim
aerial pioneer, 275, 281, 281–82, 284
banked Nose Wheelie at Clearwater Pro Open, 555
in Bruce Walker's van, 346
Butt Burner, 282
consistent skating of, 555
Frontside Air at Oasis Skatepark, 282
Frontside Air at Runway skatepark, 272, 273
media coverage of, 459
mentorship of Rodney Mullen, 555
Palm Beach warehouse contest (1976), 92, 93, 98
signature deck, 471
in SkateBoarder magazine, 487
transition to advanced vert skating, 331
Walker Skateboards team, 97, 283
McCarey, Rich, 567
McCartney, Paul
Boardslides, 174, 177
and Cadillac Concourse, 327, 333
Cadillac team, 366, 367
and Chris West, 421
McClellan, George
aerial pioneer, 281, 445, 668
on Alan Gelfand's Rock 'n' Roll at Clearwater Pro Open, 718
on Alan Gelfand's skating style, 425, 555
Cherry Hill Skateboard Park contest, 663
Clearwater halfpipe, 504–6
Clearwater Pro Open, 508
Clearwater Skateboard Park, 368, 368, 369
Clearwater team, 364–65, 369
on Craig Stecyk's Dogtown articles, 674
on early 1970s skating scene, 24–25
with Ed Womble, 668
Frontside Air at Clearwater Skateboard Park, 285
Gullwing sponsorship, 506
handstand, 29
Hollywood Ramp, 649
on Jim McCall, 555, 684
on Kelly Lynn, 718
Kryptonics team, 336
mentorship of younger skaters, 344, 542, 543, 578, 582
on Mike Folmer, 445, 459
on Mike McGill, 419, 425, 581, 585, 601
Ollie Air, 668
on Rodney Mullen, 685
on Stacy Peralta's vision for Powell-Peralta team, 685
at Rainbow Wave, 422, 592, 595, 599
at Sensation Basin, 557
on Tim Scroggs, 684
on transition to advanced vert skating, 331
van road trip, 344
at Winchester Skateboard Park, 438
WRAPS contests, 723
McClellan, John, 369, 504, 599
McClure, John, 572
McCoy, Aime, 466
McCoy, Maurice, 466
McCoy, Pat, 466
McCranels, John "Chummer," 344
McCranels, Michele, 92, 98
McCranels, Paul, 125
McCranels, Scott "Red"
and Cadillac Concourse, 338
Cadillac Concourse vert contest, 420
Clearwater Pro Open, 508, 718–19
Fun 'N Sun Skateboard Championships, 364, 373, 374, 375
at Ground Swell skatepark, 447
Hollywood Ramp, 716
Hypoluxo ditch, 29, 29, 108
kickturn at Skateboard City, 58–59
on Mike Folmer, 487
on the Ollie Air and the My-Hop, 468
Palm Beach warehouse contest (1976), 93, 98
at Rainbow Wave Pro-Am, 592, 596
and SkateBoarder magazine, 517
at Skateboard Safari, 447, 447
McCullough, Jamie, 73
MacDonald, Andy, 331
MacGillivray, Greg, 50, 225
MacGillivray-Freeman Films, 50, 225
McGee, Patti, 26, 37, 87, 87, 373, 740
McGill, Mike
on Alan Gelfand's "fakie 360 grinding pop-off," 551
Backside Ollie, 758
Big O Pro-Am, 748
Bones Brigade, 410, 555, 576, 578, 581–82, 584, 585–86, 587, 588, 589, 651, 658, 665, 732, 771
Cadillac Wheels Skateboard Concourse, 614, 614, 615
Cherry Hill Skateboard Park contest, 661–721, 665
Clearwater Pro Open, 718
Del Mar Skateboard Ranch, 668
early skating days, 578, 578, 579, 581
Fakie Ollie, 761
540 McTwist, 424, 581, 777
friendship with Alan Gelfand, 347, 423–24, 543, 578, 581, 585
Fun 'N Sun Skateboard Championships, 605
and George McClellan, 344, 578, 582
Gold Cup series, 814
Hester Series at Del Mar Skateboard Ranch, 693–94
Hollywood Ramp, 648, 653
on Kelly Lynn, 582
"King of Kona," 822
Layback Air at Marina Del Rey skatepark, 582, 585
Layback Air at Rainbow Wave, 579
Ollie Air, 652, 653, 669
at Rainbow Wave, 418–19, 423–24, 579, 586, 587, 592, 636
rise to fame, 323, 526, 652, 652, 655
at Sensation Basin, 658, 661, 661
SkateBoarder magazine center spread, 610
SkateBoarder magazine Alan Gelfand/Mike McGill double interview, 650, 652, 655
Skateboard magazine (Kona) cover, 459, 822
skate clothing, 580
on Skate Rider magazine, 372
Skate Wave skatepark, 423, 425
skating style, 634
at Solid Surf, 641, 826
street skating, 652
Super Skate Show in Caracas, Venezuela, 702, 706, 707, 709, 711–12, 713
Swedish Summer Camp, 777, 822
WRAPS contests, 723
McGrath, Jonny, 264, 265
McGuigan, John, 395, 611
McIntyre, Dave "FibreFats," 247, 249, 268, 404, 407
Mackin, Robert, 662
McLeod, Brad, 498, 500
McMahon, Brian, 661
McManus, Ed, 106
McWilliams, John, 122
McWilliams, Mark
backside lapover grind at U-bowl, 240
Bunny Hop, 181
Catamaran at 138th Avenue and Palmetto Expressway overpass, 122
Hollywood, Florida skating enclaves, 121
Skateboard USA, 110
360s on homemade board, 125
The Magic Rolling Board (film), 225, 765
Magnusson, Tony, 761, 779, 788, 789, 791–94, 792, 793
Makaha skateboard company, 28, 246
Makaha skateboard team, 60
The Making of Animal Chin (video), 410
Malm, Joakim "Jorre," 791, 791
Mandarino, Bobby, 233, 233, 377, 396
Mansur, Haffith, 48
maple-ply decks
Fibreflex, 137
Harbour, 308, 309, 311
Powell Brite Lite, 411
Rockit, 254, 254
Stacy Peralta Warptail 2, 245, 247, 249, 257, 257
Walker Skateboards, 97
Wee Willi Winkels, 250, 251, 252, 253–54, 253
Marciello, Maureen, 373
Marcus, Jimmy "The Greek," 369, 425, 509, 509
Marina Del Rey skatepark, 279, 440, 441, 455, 479, 804
Marinak, Steve, 460, 463, 464, 467
Markel Skateboards, 401, 482, 482–83, 484, 489, 499, 505, 762
Marshall, Terry, 294
Martin, Ernie
and Egg Mo T-shirts, 637–38
Ernie Martin Skates and Clamper Trucks, 354, 355
high jumping, 353–54, 353
Marting, Tim, 395
Martinez, Dennis, 270, 775
Martinez, Jesse, 686
Mason, Bruce, 395, 594, 595
Mata, Omar, 701, 704, 706, 707, 710
Mayers, Ron, 59
Mayle, Simon, 277
Meade, Bob, 801
Means, Kenny, 235, 704, 739, 739
Meanwhile Gardens, 11, 11, 71, 73, 73, 277, 850, 851
Meanwhile Gardens (McCullough), 73
Mearthane Products Corporation (MPC), 43
at Oaks pool, 238
at Skateboard USA, 152, 157–58, 157
street skating, 156
Mechon, Debbie, 466
Mechon, Scott, 466
"Me Decade" article, 8, 11
Medeiros, Gary, 202, 249
Medellin, Colombia skating scene, 16
anti-skateboarding media sensationalism, 26, 28, 49
cable television coverage, 744–45
Hester Series coverage, 690
lack of freestyle skating coverage, 681
See also skate press
Meischeid, Greg
Clearwater Pro Open, 509
at Rainbow Wave, 422
Skateboard Madness (film), 236, 236, 237
wake surfing, 570, 570
Meldon, Dennis, 162, 449
Mello, Paul, 270, 270
Merv Griffin Show, 222, 225
Messner, Warren "Seadog," 238, 482, 484
Metaflex wheels, 29
The Miami Herald, 91
Miami International Airport
departure terminal, 703
garage, 323, 325
micro-edger, 263
Middlebrooks, Don, 106
Middleton, John, 368, 376
Miller, Billy, 573
Miller, Darrell, 238, 331, 716
Miller, Davey, 35, 37
Miller, Rick "Froggy," 449, 594
Miller, Sonny, 202
Miller, Wynn, 675
Miller Flip (Lake Flip), 101, 231, 236, 237, 238, 331
Mingeaud, Art "Rat," 202
Miramar pool, 144
Mohr, Bob, 55, 57, 219, 222, 676
Monahan, Laura, 35
Monahan, Steve, 35, 35, 104, 225
"Monster Bowl," The Pipeline, 430–31
Montalvo, Tony
Fakie Ollie, 647, 761
Fox skate team, 466
Fun 'N Sun Skateboard Championships, 364–65
Hard Waves, Soft Wheels (film), 162, 163
on the My-Hop and Pat Love, 467–68, 471
"Montollie" (Fakie Ollie), 761
Monty Grind, 240, 743
Moore, John, 498
Moore, Kevin, 634
Mora, Andres, 704, 706, 707, 708, 710–11
Moriarty, Chris, 425
Morin, D. David, 697, 809
"Most Copied Product," Tracker trucks, 39, 40, 41
Motil, Guy, 232, 236, 238, 240, 303
Mountain, Lance, 565, 693, 753, 777, 798
Mount Baldy Pipeline, 235, 249, 435, 622, 623
Moving-On skatepark, 280
Muir, Jim, 246, 255, 677
Mullen, Rodney "Mutt"
Alan Gelfand model, 732, 734
Bones Brigade, 410, 565, 665, 687
in Bruce Walker's van, 346
Clearwater Pro Open, 506
coached by Barry Zaritzky, 498
flatground Ollie, 57, 641, 644, 836
freestyle skating, 685, 732, 734
Fun 'N Sun Skateboard Championships, 602, 603, 606, 606, 607
Inland Surf Shop, 450
Kickflip, 57
mentored by older skaters, 344, 555, 581, 682, 685
Oceanside Pier, 356
Ollie Air, 836
Ollie Kickflip, 57
and Per Welinder, 777
Pogo, 471, 475
Powell-Peralta, 410, 506, 565, 665, 687
rise to fame, 526
at Sensation Basin, 346, 395, 661
at Solid Surf, 640, 641, 827
sponsorship, 97, 395, 410, 450
street skating, 652
Swedish Summer Camp, 777
Thrasher magazine, 471
Walker Skateboards, 97, 346, 347, 410
Mungall, Greg, 68
municipal skateparks, 610–11
Munson, Eric, 675
Murphy, Jim, 662
Murray, Dan
on aerial images in skating magazines, 209
on Alan Gelfand's competition strategy, 555
Alan Gelfand "Tank" deck, 734
Boca Raton High school demo, 335
Burger King commercial, 737, 745, 745
and Cadillac Concourse, 332–33, 338, 339, 339, 614, 615
Cadillac Concourse vert contest, 420
Cadillac team, 367
Cherry Hill Skateboard Park contest, 663
Cross Country at Solid Surf, 639
and demise of SkateBoarder, 809
Disaster (Fakie Hang-Up), 339, 428, 433, 438, 439
at Duncan's Pool, 336
on early Ollie Airs, 303, 304
51st Street ditch, 121
Hollywood, Florida skating enclave, 121
Hollywood, Florida skating scene, 655
Kryptonics team, 336
at Lakewood Skateboard World, 435–37
Little Skates team, 633, 638, 641
1978 California trip, 427, 428, 430, 432–39, 432, 441
Peanut Bowl handplant, 745
at Rainbow Wave, 579, 595, 599
reaction to first Ollie Pop, 239, 240–41
Skateboard Madness (film), 357
at Solid Surf, 736–37, 737, 826–27
and Team USA, 161
Texas Spring Series, 821, 825
at Winchester skatepark, 437–39
Myhre, Donny, at Sensation Basin, 395
Myhre, Sam, at Sensation Basin, 395
Nadalin, Ed
and freestyle skating, 222
Hobie skateboard team, 213, 214
Hugger skateboards, 218, 219
The Magic Rolling Board (film), 225
Napper, Simon, 276, 277, 277
Narducci, Dave, 238, 396
Narducci, Jeannie, 142, 143, 396, 740
Narraway, Steve, 492
Nasworthy, Frank
and the Bentley brothers, 350
Cadillac Concourse, 322, 332, 806
Cadillac sponsorship of Alan Gelfand, 366, 367, 390, 430
Cadillac Wheels, 20–22, 23, 26, 28, 29, 30, 52
National Skateboard Review magazine, 102, 209, 372–73, 373, 495, 501, 806
"natural" terrain and early skateparks, 77, 78, 79
Nautilus Dive, Surf, and Ski, 336
Neishi, Bob, 272
Nelson, Eric, 478
Neptune Avenue, 22
Nettles, Lee, 498, 500
Neverflex Skateboards, 245, 245, 246
New England Championships, 54
New Mexico, aerial freestyle bindings and off-road skating, 294, 295
Newport, Rhode Island, Water Bros. surf shop, 44–45, 45
"New Reality of the Eastern Surfer" article, 62
Newsweek magazine, 49, 85, 263
Newton, Jeff, 824
New York magazine "Me Decade" article, 8, 11
New York Times article on rebirth of skateboarding, 37
NHS, Inc., 43, 45, 47, 81, 255, 811
Nicks, Dave "Grandpa"
barefoot skating, 168, 188, 315
Depth Charge, 165
fence ride at North Bowl, 188
first-generation vert riding, 330
Hard Waves, Soft Wheels (film), 162
influence on Alan Gelfand's style, 566
Lipslide, 174
mentorship of younger skaters, 344
at Oaks pool, 158, 169, 238
and Skateboard USA, 121, 157, 158, 158, 161, 315
solid oak Oceanus decks, 157, 159, 168, 168
South Florida skating scene, 655
street skating, 156
Tail Tap, 264
and Team USA, 161, 168, 171
Under Bowl handplant, 152–53
no-hand aerial. See Gorilla Grip; the Ollie; the Ollie Pop
Nolan, Mike, 106
Nolder, Monty
Footplant at Rainbow Wave, 527
Frontside Rock 'n' Roll in Peanut Bowl, 742–43
Monty Grind (Backside Smith Grind), 240, 743
Ollie Pogo (Ollie Air Rock 'n' Roll), 761
rise to fame, 526
at Sensation Basin, 395, 769
street skating, 652
Turningpoint team, 627
Variflex team, 798
Nollie Inward Heelflip, 16
Nomad decks, 176, 447
Nomad Surf Shop, 125, 447, 447, 449, 464
Nordquist, Göran, 777, 794
Northern California State Championships, 439
North Miami and Dade County skating enclaves, 121
Norton, Dave, 498
Norway and Norwegian skaters, 781
Nose Wheelie
early street skating and, 127
Haffith Mansur, 48
Karen Snyder, 124
Kelly Lynn, 54, 67
Novak, Richard, 45, 810–11
Nowlen, Walter, 592
Nunn, Tim "Bunnz," 498
Oak Hill pool, 360, 360
Oaks pool
Alan Gelfand, 159, 200, 238
Clyde Rodgers, 372
Dave "Grandpa" Nicks, 158, 169
Jeannie Narducci, 142, 143
Warren "Seadog" Messner at, 484
Oasis skatepark, 268, 282, 460, 794
Ocean Avenue Surfboards, 331
Ocean Bowl skatepark, 611
Oceanside Pier, 356, 356
Oceanus decks, 157, 159, 168, 168
Oceanus surfboard, 168
Odum, Jimmy, 498, 500
off-road skating in New Mexico, 294, 295
Off the Lip aerial, 193
"Off The Wall" roller skates, 704, 704
Ogden, Dennis, 441, 804
Ogden, Kevin, 566
OJ wheels, 81, 81
Oki, Peggy, 678
the Ollie
Alan Gelfand on practicing the Ollie, 492, 560–63
Alan Gelfand's "canyon jump," 751–52, 753
Alan Gelfand's mastery of, 837, 837
Alan Gelfand's Ollie Airs at Lakewood, 435–36, 436, 437
Alan Gelfand's Ollie Airs at Winchester, 438–39
Alan Gelfand's Ollie Airs in the Monster Hole, 340–41, 340, 387, 389, 391, 391
Alan Gelfand's Ollie Airs profiled in SkateBoarder, 512, 513
Alan Gelfand's Ollie-In (Ollie Roll-In), 548, 556, 774
Alan Gelfand's "Ollie" nickname, 191–93
Backside Ollie, 758, 751
Brad Bowman, 666–67, 667, 668, 669, 758, 829, 832–33
Bump Ollie, 647
and children's clothing, 840, 840
dictionary definition, 192, 193
Fakie Ollie, 279, 548, 550–51, 550, 647, 761, 801
flatground Ollie and street skating, 9, 14, 131–34, 132, 133, 642, 644, 647, 761
impact on skating and "The New Generation," 756, 758–825, 759, 760, 761, 839, 840, 840, 897
influence on snowboarding, 573, 573
influence on surfing, 566–615, 567, 570–73, 571
"J. T. Air" (Backside Ollie), 696, 698–99
Jeff Duerr and Due Air (Ollie Air), 308, 311–12, 313, 316, 319, 376, 548, 829–30, 831–905, 833
John Gibson, 668, 692–94, 692, 693
Nollie Inward Heelflip, 16
Ollie Air creation and naming, 304–5, 316, 319, 512, 514
Ollie to Axle, 548, 644, 761
Ollie to Grind, 438, 592, 645
180 Ollie, 647
significance of, 15, 17, 512, 515, 573–75, 733
SkateBoarder magazine article, 512, 513
Skate Rider magazine article, 517
and skating arcade games, 841, 841
urban Ollies in Bogota, Colombia, 9, 14
variations of, 548
See also Gelfand, Alan "Ollie"; the Ollie Pop
"Ollie Airwalk" comic, 837, 837
Ollie Armor, 837, 837
Ollieburger, 192, 192
Ollie Disaster, 548, 725
Ollie Flaps, 837, 837
Ollie Hornz, 837, 837
Ollie-In (Ollie Roll-In), 548, 556, 774
Ollie Kickflip, 57
Ollie magazine, 838, 838
Ollie Pogo (Ollie Air Rock 'n' Roll), 761
the Ollie Pop
Alan Gelfand, 186–87, 189, 296–97, 301, 452
Backside Ollie Pops, 756, 756
Bert Parkerson, 196
and IHOPs, 197, 198, 199, 199
Jeff Duerr, 196
Mike Folmer, 397–98, 452, 486, 487
Ollie Pop Bubble Gum Company, 838, 838
refinement and progression of, 188–89, 196–99
Rick Furness, 196, 199
South Florida premiere of, 163, 186–87
Ollie Ranchies wheels, 838, 838
Ollie to Axle, 548, 644, 761
Ollie to Fakie, Allen Losi, 798
Ollie to Grind
Alan Gelfand at Winchester Pro, 438
Chris Baucom, 592
Rick Furness and Jeff Duerr, 645
Ollie to Tail, Chris Baucom, 592
Olson, Ed, 435
Olson, Steve, 87, 716, 748, 749, 751, 752–53, 816, 832–33
O'Mahoney, James, 35, 37
O'Malley, John, 69
Oneal, Ellen, 139, 247, 702, 706, 707–8, 707, 709, 710
one-wheeler, 263
See also three-wheeler
Opper, Ira, 768
Orton, George "Wild Man," 267, 270–72, 270, 274, 274, 478, 725, 748, 752, 800
Otani, Shoichi, 74
Page, Ty "Mr. Incredible"
board-to-board jump, 357, 357
Del Mar Nationals (1975), 57
at Escondido reservoir, 298
on La Costa hills sessions, 26
Makaha skateboard team, 60
pool riding, 207
Spinn'in Wheels (film), 51, 102
Wild World of Skateboarding cover, 26
Paleschuck, David, 733
Palfreyman, John, 677
Palm Beach County skating enclave, 121
Panagiotis, Jane, 26, 27
Panagiotis, Peter "Peter Pan," 26, 27, 44
Paramount. See Skatepark Paramount
Parker, Pat, 368, 369
Parkerson, Bert
Boardslide, 174, 177
drainage ditch street skating, 194
Hollywood, Florida skating enclaves, 121
at Hypoluxo ditch, 125, 125
IHOPs, 197, 199, 341, 475, 829
Ollie Pop, 188, 196–97, 198, 312
one-footed kickturn, 196
on precarious wood ramp, 124
Reverse 180 Slide at U-Bowl, 305
"Skate Ball" ad, 197, 197
SkateBoarder photo session at Skateboard USA, 382
and Skateboard USA, 110, 158, 196
Parkerson, Dean, 121, 176, 196
Park Rider wheels, 81
Parque de las Luces, 16
Parsons, Scott, 437
Partidas, Miguel "Comanche," 712
Parton, John, 464, 466, 475
Paskoski, Erik, 280
Paskoski, John, 280
Patala, Pat, 236
Patala, Paul, 622
Cherry Hill Skateboard Park, 855
Flite, 685
Rainbow Wave, 853
SkateBoarder magazine, 34
vintage 1960s patch, 127
vintage 1970s patches, 57
Paul, David
Acid Drop into Kona Bowl, 140–41, 204
aerial pioneer, 270, 272
Kona Boys, 202, 209
on pool riding in San Diego, 140
Tail Tap aerials, 209
UFO team, 300
Paved Wave, 69, 78, 106
Peanut Bowl at Solid Surf, 736–37, 740, 741, 744, 744
Peddie, Shawn
Elevator Drop, 596, 597, 724
at Kona Pro-Am, 306–7
at Rainbow Wave, 488, 489
Rainbow Wave Pro-Am, 594, 595, 596, 597, 599
at Sensation Basin, 658
SIO-Skate Club, 498, 501
ditch skating, 652
WRAPS contests, 723, 724
Pembroke Pines, 121, 122, 131, 132, 716
Pepsi commercial filming in Caracas, Venezuela, 711–12
Pepsi Skateboard Team, 290, 295, 684, 684
Peralta, Stacy
on Alan Gelfand and the Ollie Pop or Ollie Air, 436, 478, 492, 492–93, 517, 520, 669, 836
Alan Gelfand's 1978 California trips, 411, 435–36, 439, 441, 478, 486–87
on artistic endeavors of skaters, 631
Beamer decks, 514, 520
Bones Brigade, 408–11, 410, 411, 532, 576, 577, 586, 665, 771
on Craig Stecyk, 672
Dogtown and Z-Boys (film), 271, 678
early 1980s letter to James Davies, 806, 808
G&S departure, 404, 405, 407
G&S sponsorship, 233, 245, 247, 249, 406, 406, 407
Hester Series at Del Mar Skateboard Ranch, 693
How Did I Get Here? (Hawk), 566
industry longevity, 407, 408–9
meeting Alan Gelfand and reaction to Ollie Pop, 238–41, 304
at New Sport House, 792–93
Pepsi Skateboard Team, 410, 410
and Per Welinder, 794
"The Perfect Cure" ad, 733
Powell-Peralta, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408–9, 408–11, 672, 674, 675
SkateBoarder photo session at Skateboard USA, 381
Skateboard Madness (film), 209, 232, 235, 235–36, 238–41, 487, 513, 524–26, 528–29, 627, 658, 739, 764
at SkaterCross, 565
on Solid Surf skatepark, 238
sponsorship of Alan Gelfand, 492, 492–93, 544, 814, 816, 817
Swedish Summer Camp, 777, 781–83, 782, 794–95
at The Pipeline, 430
360s, 409
and Tim Scroggs, 685
Warptail decks, 235, 245, 247, 249, 256, 257
Permanent Wave, 78
Perry Harvey Sr. Park Skateboard Bowl. See Bro Bowl
Peters, Duane, 270, 459, 599, 627–28, 737, 748, 749, 753, 798
Peterson, Kevin "KP"
Alan Gelfand's friendship with, 149, 340, 344, 346, 346, 347, 347, 564
aerial pioneer, 281
on "Boca Boys," 119
Bunny Hop, 183, 183
and Cadillac Concourse, 333, 341, 614, 615
Egg Mo Skate Designs, 630–31, 634, 637–38
extended slide at Solid Surf, 342–43
grip tape plan, 417
Hollywood, Florida skating enclaves, 121
Hollywood Ramp, 649, 716
homemade ramps, 347
and Jeff Duerr, 347, 347, 830
mentorship of younger skaters, 341, 344, 346–47, 346, 347
Miramar pool sessions, 144
new moves created by, 831
Ollie Airs in the Monster Hole, 340–41, 389
Ollie Pops, 196
Peanut Bowl design at Solid Surf, 741, 743, 744, 744
at Pinball ramp, 831
at Rainbow Wave, 579
at Sensation Basin, 346
and Skateboard USA, 158, 296, 347
at Solid Surf, 638
at Solid Surf Tuflex contest, 640
and Team USA, 161, 347
on Turningpoint shorts, 627
Phillips, David, 162
Phillips, Jeff, 501, 596, 825
Phillips, Jim, 47, 255
photography and film
photo-documentation of skateboarding, 49–51, 50, 51, 52–53, 54
See also Bolster, Warren; Goodrich, Jim; SkateBoarder magazine; skate press
Picciolo, Steven, 51, 102, 270, 280
Piedrahita, Damian, 9
Piedrahita, Flavio, 9
Piercy, Bobby, 235
Alan Gelfand's obsession with, 539–40
Bally "Wizard" pinball machine, 540
"Surfer" pinball game, 540
"Pinball ramp," 197, 197, 551, 647, 831–32, 831, 833
Pipeline Masters surfing competition, 63, 63
The Pipeline Skatepark, 78, 106, 327, 430–31, 430, 435, 452, 622, 801
Pitts, Kirk, 106, 211
pizza grip, 412–13, 417, 580
Platt, Steve, 51
Plimpton, Jim, 162, 163
Plumer, Jimmy, 447, 458, 459, 459, 560, 627, 661, 723
Pogo (early hopping tailstand), 685, 686
Pomona Pipe and Pool Company, 77
Pompano Beach Pier Surf Shop, 336
Pool Rider decks. See Sunset Skateboards
pool riding
aerial scouting, 142, 144–45, 144
Boca Boys, 334–35
C Bowl, 156, 156
Escondido reservoir, 140, 142
first sessions in empty swimming pools, 45
Florida skate scene, 106, 106, 142, 143, 144–45, 144, 145
Fruit Bowl (Garden Grove, California), 552
Fruit Bowl (Boca Raton, Florida), aka Duncan's Pool, 334–35, 334, 335, 336
Gregg Weaver at Soul Bowl, 102, 103
Gunnar Haugo at Fallbrook pool, 206–7
Hester ISA Pro Bowl Series, 452–53, 453, 455–56
Lonnie Toft, 251
L-Pool, 77, 142
mid-1970s mania for, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 106
Oaks pool, 142, 143, 158, 159, 169, 200, 238, 372, 484
Rat Hole, 106, 106
Rick Furness at C Bowl, 122
in San Diego, 140, 140–41, 142, 142
stiff decks and, 246
Weird Bowl, 248, 249
Pope, Dick, 570
pop-out, 188, 193
Porirua skateboard track (Cannon's Creek, New Zealand), 73, 75, 75
Port Orange, Florida, 58–59, 63, 65
Potter, Martin, 572
Powell, George
background, 404, 406
Bones Brigade, 408–11, 410, 411
Bones wheels, 300, 400, 401, 409–10, 411
Quicksilver boards, 406
Quicksilver Radials, 300
Quicktail boards, 406
and Rich Harbour, 311
See also Powell-Peralta
Powell Corporation, 255, 403
Alan Gelfand appearances in East and Midwest, 561–62
Alan Gelfand Model (A.G.M.) "Tank" signature deck, 728, 730, 730–31, 732, 733, 734, 734, 735
B-17 and mushroom cloud imagery, 585, 586, 589, 589
Beamer decks, 510–11, 511–12, 514, 518, 518–19, 520–21, 522, 584, 672
Brite Lite decks, 411, 517, 574, 582, 583, 585, 636, 650, 686, 825
"Creation of Adam/Alan" ad, 674, 675
formation of, 311, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408–9, 409–11
Jay Smith deck, 664
marketing approach, 672
"The Perfect Cure" ad, 733
"Real People" ad, 672, 673
sponsorship of Alan Gelfand, 441, 481–82, 486–87, 518, 543–44, 544
tank imagery, 728, 728
videos, 408, 566, 589, 672, 777, 794
See also Bones Brigade
Pratt, Nathan, 289, 678
precision-bearing wheels, Road Rider wheels, 37, 42, 43–45, 43, 46, 47
Procko, Bill, 425
Progressive Skateboards, 182, 376, 801
ProLine skateboards, 128, 129, 346–47
Pudsey, Chris, 106
Puhlman, Eddie, 466
Pumping Iron (film), 637
Punkture Madness deck, 640, 640, 642
Purpus, Mike, 60
Quality Products, Inc., 43–44
The Quarterly Skateboarder magazine, 34, 142
Rademaker, Brent, 376, 425, 663
Rademaker, Darren, 376, 683
radius-edged wheels, 298, 300
Ragg, Ashley, 48
Rib Bones, 575
Schmitt Stix, 574–75, 574, 575, 724
Z Products, 574, 575
Rainbow Wave skatepark
Alan Gelfand at, 423–24, 425, 488, 489, 554, 574, 584, 592, 596, 599, 853
Chuck Lagana at, 467
competitions at, 367, 422
design, 423
Lynda and Kit Traverso, 424
Mike McGill at, 418, 423–24, 578, 579
Monty Nolder at, 526, 527
Ray Diez at, 522, 522, 523
surf-inspired skatepark names, 78
Rainbow Wave Pro-Am, 448, 449, 590–91, 592, 593, 594, 595–96, 595, 596, 597, 598, 599
Ramos, Martin, 610, 822
Ramos, Martin "Marty", 610
Ramos, Norberto "Pantera," 712
Rampage halfpipe, 326, 327, 494, 495, 495, 622
Ransom, Charlie, 431
Rapp, Paul, 566
Rat Hole, 106, 106
Rat Hop, 471
The Ray Allen Show, 744–45
Rayta, Deme, 54
Read, David, 75
Red Hots, 564–65, 564
Redmond, James J., Jr., "Reddo," 586, 586
Reed, Davin, 447
Reed, Kevin, 272, 437, 572, 716, 717
Reed, Shane, 267
Reilly, Bill "Toes"
on Alan Gelfand, 158, 161
backside Depth Charge, 164
on Bobby Summers, 264
breaking trucks, 168
Bunny Hop, 184, 185
and Cadillac Concourse, 328, 329–30
on creativity and pioneering, 153
Depth Charge, 165, 386, 551
handplant, 154, 154
Hard Waves, Soft Wheels (film), 162, 163
Haulover Inlet, 155–56, 155
Hollywood Bread Building garage, 154, 155
influence on Alan Gelfand's style, 566
Lipslides and Boardslides, 172, 174, 328
love of surfing and skating, 154–56, 331
signature moves, 328, 328
and Skateboard USA, 114, 121, 153, 154–55, 157, 158, 170, 328, 614
South Florida skating scene, 655
and Team USA, 161–62
"Toes" nickname, 171
Toilet Bowl sessions, 156
Reiter, Lonny, 425, 595
Rennie, Duke, 738–39, 744
Rennie, James R. "Jimi"
and Alan Gelfand, 298, 320–21
mentorship of younger skaters, 344
at Oaks pool, 159, 238
and Skateboard USA, 107, 110, 110, 323, 538–39, 617, 837
and Team USA, 161, 539
U. K. skatepark designs, 323
Repas, Erich "Shreddi"
on Alan Gelfand and "My Sharona," 551
grabbed aerial Skateboard World cover, 266, 267, 268, 269
on Lonnie Toft, 104
on the Ollie Air, 515, 526, 528
on Rick Blackhart, 456
San Fernando Valley skating scene, 669
Turningpoint team, 627
Vans Pro-Am Skateboard Competition, 725
Reseda SkaterCross, 267, 278, 851
Reverse 180 Slide (Frontside Cess Slide), 305
Rib Bones, 575
Richards, Mark, 60, 566, 572, 668
Ride-On Skatepark, 456, 457
"Riding the Wave of the East Coast's Surfing Boom" article, 62–63
risers, 37, 40, 40
Ritzma, Leslie Jo, 249
The Rivals (pop band), 82, 82
Rivera, Martin, 14
Road Rider Hester wheels, 454, 455
Road Rider wheels, 10, 10, 34, 37, 40, 42, 43–45, 43, 45, 46, 47, 47, 81, 137, 175, 217, 242, 256, 288, 298, 336, 337, 358, 396, 401, 435, 456
Robertson, Edie, 35, 35, 90, 222, 225, 251
Robinson, Mark, 607, 641
Rocco, Steve, 249, 681, 685, 702, 706, 707
Rockit maple-ply decks, 254, 254, 255, 257
Rock 'n' Roll
Alan Gelfand, 552, 592, 718, 719
Dan Murray on, 438
Ed Womble, 395, 395, 449
at Hester Series, 453
Peter Andrews, 659
Steve Anderson, 336
Tim Marting, 449
See also Frontside Rock 'n' Roll
Roderick, Tony, 43, 45, 47
Rodgers, Clyde
Cherry Hill Skateboard Park contest, 663
Clearwater halfpipe, 505, 505
Clearwater Pro Open, 508
Clyde Slide anti-hangup device, 400, 401, 401, 484, 505, 508
Clyde Slide maneuver, 506, 507, 508
East Coast Brewer team, 445
First Annual Pepsi Team Challenge, 396, 400, 401
Markel Skateboards, 482, 483, 484, 505
Oaks pool, 372
on Pat Love, 471
at Rainbow Wave, 422, 683
at Sensation Basin, 482, 658
Skate Rider magazine cover, 372
two wheels out at Tomoka Moon Forest skatepark, 260, 261, 854
Rodrigue, David "Turkey," 238, 396
Rodrigues, Robert, 116, 147
Rodriguez, Ray "Bones"
Big O Pro-Am, 748
Big O skatepark, 748
Bones Brigade, 409–10, 411, 532, 577, 665
at Lakewood Center Skateboard World, 411
at Marina Skatepark, 440
Powell-Peralta, 672
Powell signature deck, 521, 532, 533
Rogers, Mike, 447
Rogers, Rich, 497
Rogowski, Mark "Gator," 752
Roll-Back (U-ey), 196–97
roller skating
and clay wheels, 49
at New Sport House, 791
"Off The Wall" roller skates, 704, 704
Super Skate Show, 702, 704
vert roller skating, 739, 739, 740
World Skating Association, 738–39
Roller Skating magazine, 704, 738
Roller Sports, Inc., 20, 29, 30, 128, 129
Rolling Surf, 78
Rollin' Through the Decades (film), 276
Rollin' Waves skatepark, 425, 595, 802–3
Romano, Tony, 395
Rom skatepark, 612
Roshank, Dennis, 24
Rowe, Pete, 768
Ruff, Billy, 693, 753, 761, 775, 777
Ruiz, Jeff, 387
Ruml, Wentzle, IV, 678
The Runway skatepark, 77
Russell, Rory, 63
Ryan, Michael, 663, 664
Ryan, Tommy, 26
Rylander, Sunday, 35
Sable, Nick, 851
Sablosky, John "Wally," 275–76, 275, 277, 284
Saccio, Chuck, 540
Safe Surf skatepark, 78
Alan Gelfand's helmet and pads, 381, 382, 387
helmets, 301, 301, 661, 661
Hollywood Skating Center contest, 97
Pepsi Skateboard Team, 410, 410
at Skateboard USA, 179, 185
safety pin attire, 640
Saint Lucie power plant pipes, 624, 624
St. Pierre, Dana, 425
Saladino, Doug "Pineapple," 247, 268, 280, 659, 662
Salmon, Phil, 126
Salo, Tarmo, 779
Sammonds, Pat, 106
San Buenaventura Skateboard Championship (1975), 57, 57
Santa Cruz Skateboards, 202, 255, 255, 737, 797, 800
Santa Monica Civic Auditorium, 54
Santangelo, Joe
early hopping tailstands, 475
on Hunter Joslin, 344
on Mike Folmer, 458, 459
on Rodney Jesse, 445
Sims East team, 449, 450, 450
at Skateboard Safari, 447
at Skateboard USA, 149
Sarlo, Allen, 678
Sarria, Henry
on Alan Gelfand, 531
on California versus Florida skating inventions, 231
freestyle skating, 686
Fun 'N Sun Skateboard Championships, 607
Hollywood, Florida skating enclaves, 121
Hollywood Skating Center contest (1976), 98
Little Skates team, 633, 641
on Pogo trick, 686
on poor design of early skateparks, 82
at Sensation Basin, 661
on Skateboard Heaven (Fort Lauderdale, Florida), 77
on Skateboard USA, 110
at Solid Surf, 640
South Florida skating scene, 655
street skating, 122
Under Bowl, 383, 805
on unknown skaters, 5
Saunders, Richie, 248, 249
Saunders, Rodd, 248, 249, 677
Sayward, Jean, 620, 620
SBC Skateboard magazine, 538
Schaub, Marty, 80, 406
Schlesinger, Gregg, 121, 129, 161, 541, 835
Schlesinger, Scott, 121, 833–34, 835
Schmitt, Paul, 425, 448, 449, 458, 611, 679, 810
Schmitt Stix rails, 574–75, 574, 575, 723
Schneider, Doug, 249, 457
Schroeder, Brian "Pushead," 201
Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 637
scooters modified into skateboards, 19, 21
Scott, George, 63, 69
Scroggs, Tim
Bones Brigade, 506, 577, 581, 586, 588, 589, 658, 661, 665, 682, 687, 771
Cherry Hill Skateboard Park contest, 663
on Chris West, 422
Clearwater Pro Open, 719
flatground freestyle, 682, 682, 684–85, 686–87, 686
friendship with Mike McGill, 581, 587
Fun 'N Sun Skateboard Championships, 605
influence on Rodney Mullen, 685
at Rainbow Wave, 488, 489, 579, 584, 586, 587, 595, 636, 680–81, 683, 687
Rat Hop, 471, 475
at Sensation Basin, 661
Super Skate Show in Caracas, Venezuela, 702, 706–7, 708, 708, 709, 712, 713
360s, 682
vert skating, 587, 587, 595
A Sea for Yourself (film), 232
Sebastian Inlet, 61, 62, 63, 567, 568–69, 569
Senatore, Kent
aerial pioneer, 270, 272, 280, 478
on Craig Stecyk's Dogtown articles, 674
at Marina Del Rey skatepark, 479
and the Ollie Air, 478–79, 481, 837
San Fernando Valley skating scene, 669
and the Sharp brothers, 267
Skateboard Madness (film), 232, 241
and Solid Surf, 478, 479, 528
Turningpoint Ramp, 526, 621, 625–28, 626, 627, 629
Senatore, Scott, 526, 619, 620, 624–28, 627
Sensation Basin
Alan Gelfand at, 366, 367, 396, 397, 398, 401, 475–76, 481–82, 483, 545, 546–47, 557, 658, 661, 837
Chuck Lagana at, 450
Clyde Rodgers at, 396, 400
construction and design, 395, 398, 399
First Annual Pepsi Team Challenge, 395–98
front entrance, 392–93
grand opening, 394
"roller boogie" at, 704
and Saturday Night Live, 704
Steve Anderson at, 338, 346
Serafin, Bob, 748
Servais, Tom, 380, 381, 382
Seylynn skatepark, 75
Sharp, Bill, 127, 267–68, 274
Sharp, Stan, 260, 267–68
Sherman, Bobby, 112–13, 115, 538–39, 541–42, 617, 819
Sherman, Steve, 80, 406
Shipp, Steve, 213, 214, 282, 540, 541
Shoemaker, Robert "Shoe," 368, 369, 592, 599
boat deck shoes, 47
high-tops, 435
and the Ollie, 15
Ollie Flaps and Ollie Armor, 837, 837
Vans, 434, 435, 557, 656–57, 657, 664–65, 665
shorts, Turningpoint shorts, 479, 627, 627
Shufeldt, Denis, 26
Shuirman, Jay, 45, 47
SHUT Skates, 277
Shuv-it, 535, 570, 633, 686
Siegfried, Mike "Ziggy," 798
Signal Hill Speed Run, 249, 454, 454
The Signal Hill Speed Run 1975–1978 (film), 454
Sigurdson, Jim, 270, 300, 300
Simotes, Tony, 368, 369, 818
Sims, Paul, 449
Sims, Tom
at Carlsbad Skatepark, 71, 71
Freewheelin' (film), 235, 249
and Lonnie Toft, 254
Sims East team, 449
Sims skate team, 35
and snowboarding, 37
and George Powell, 404, 406
wood decks and longboards, 249–50, 251
Sims East team, 449, 451, 451, 452
Sims Skateboards
Brad Bowman signature deck, 668
counterfeit boards and, 40
first skater-owned and operated companies, 34, 250, 633
"It's OK" (Beach Boys TV special), 104
and Jeff Tatum, 696, 697
Lonnie Toft and, 250, 250, 251, 254, 645
and Powell-Peralta, 543
Sims board and Vector wheels, 36
Sims East team, 350, 449–51, 450, 451, 452
and SkateBoarder magazine, 487
skate team, 35, 37, 250–51, 251, 274
snowboarding, 573
solid wood decks and longboards, 249–50, 251
sponsorship of Bentley brothers, 329, 350, 352, 353
Taperkick deck, 562, 563
Sinclair, Marc, 277, 279, 851
Singer, Stuart, 224, 225, 498, 500, 501, 684, 685, 719, 825
SIO (Skateboards Inside Out), 498, 500
SIO skate shorts, 498, 501, 501,558–59, 648–49, 652, 729
Sixtensson, Ola "Tim," 774, 776, 781, 783–85
SKAbo Eastern Skateboard Championship, 354, 356
SKAbo Skateboards, 353–54, 354, 356
SKATE'78 competition, 497
Skate-A-Wave skatepark, 800
Skateboard (film), 33, 35
Skateboard City, 58–59, 63–65, 65, 66, 67–69, 67, 84–85, 148, 226, 227
SkateBoarder magazine
Alan Gelfand and Mike McGill double interview, 650, 652, 655
Alan Gelfand's first photo in, 260, 260
Alan Gelfand's long pants, 482
Alan Gelfand's no-handed maneuver photo, 380, 381–83, 381
Alan Gelfand's Ollie Airs profiled in, 512, 513, 547, 548, 564–65
and ACTION NOW magazine, 274, 756, 795, 803, 809–10
as bible of skateboarding, 63
Big O Pro-Am coverage, 747, 753
Bones Brigade coverage, 702
Bruce Walker profile, 94
California bias, 372–73, 517, 641, 649, 655, 668, 775
Carlsbad Skatepark, 69, 71, 71, 180
Cherry Hill skatepark photos, 662, 663, 663
Del Mar Nationals (1975), 55
early-1980s demise of, 806–7, 809–11
"Fear of Flying" article, 289
first published image of Alan Gelfand no-handed maneuver, 380, 381–83, 381, 382
Foot-Tred ad, 49, 49
Gregg Weaver cover, 102
Hester Series coverage, 690, 697
"In Search of Skatopia" article, 67
and Jeff Duerr, 830
Kent Senatore, 478, 479
Mike Folmer cover, 486, 487
Mike McGill photos, 582, 585
"Most Copied Product" award, 39
1975 premiere and popularity, 34–35, 34
"Off The Wall" column, 774
Per Viking cover, 788–89, 792
rivalry with Skateboard World magazine, 268–69
Ron Mayer on lack of skating terrain, 59
"Skate Safe" column, 71
"Skating's Most Memorable Moment?" poll, 19
stiff versus flexible decks debate, 245
subscription-renewal form, 839, 839
Tim Scroggs cover, 682
Tony Alva interview, 677
Turningpoint Ramp, 627, 628, 629
"Unassisted Aerial Hopping" (Gorilla Grip) how-to article, 213, 225
"Who's Hot!" profiles, 94, 255, 269, 271, 330, 336, 387, 458, 512, 548, 605, 685, 749, 777, 809
Z-Boys, 57
SkateBoarder Posters, 209, 496
The Skateboarder's Journal magazine, 512
Skateboard Hall of Fame, 71, 72
Skateboard Handbook, 35, 179, 260
Skateboard Handbook of Freestyle Skateboard Tricks, 35
Skateboard Heaven (Fort Lauderdale, Florida), 77, 78, 79, 91, 108, 114, 149, 154
Skateboard Heaven (Spring Valley, California), 326, 455
Skateboard Industry News magazine, 561
amateurs and rapid changes to, 526
dedicated board and skate-equipment manufacturers, 37
early-1980s decline of, 804, 806–7, 811
European bans on, 781–82
first skater-owned and operated companies, 34, 250, 633
impact of Ollie on "The New Generation," 756, 758–825, 759, 760, 761
industry prosperity, 676
as legitimate sport, 37, 49, 87
mid-1970s revival and growth of, 24–25, 26, 27, 28–29, 29–31, 48, 49
music dedicated to, 71, 72, 82, 82, 83
rapid evolution of, 763, 764–65, 764, 765, 767–68, 768–69, 771, 771
separation from surfing, 34, 481, 482
See also contests; skateparks; technology
Skateboarding Heritage Foundation, 612, 612, 851, 851
Skateboard Madness (film)
advertising, 524–25, 526, 528, 528, 766
Alan Gelfand, 487, 526, 529, 767
Bentley brothers, 350, 363
Dan Murray, 357
director Hal Jepsen, 232–33, 232, 234, 235–36, 270, 363, 525, 526, 528–29, 768
documentation of rapid evolution of skating, 764, 767–68
Gregg Ayres, 232
Greg Meischeid, 236, 236, 237
Gunnar Haugo, 209, 209
Huck Andress, 356, 357
Kent Senatore, 232, 241
Mark Lake, 236, 236, 237
Monty Nolder, 527
Pat Love, 529
premiere and reviews, 764–65, 767
Stacy Peralta, 235, 235, 238–41, 525, 529
Turningpoint Ramp, 627, 658, 739
Skateboard magazine (Kona), 822
Skateboard magazine (O'Mahoney), 35, 55, 180, 249
Skateboard! magazine (U.K.), 275, 404, 512, 517, 520
Skateboard Safari, 77, 114, 162, 163, 180, 446–47, 446, 449, 451
"Skateboards and Bumps" (Australian television special), 217
Skateboard Scene magazine, 275
Skateboard Techniques, Safety, Maintenance handbook, 88, 89
Skateboard USA
advent of vert skating, 102, 106, 114
aerial photos of, 100, 108
Alan Gelfand at, 102, 110, 113, 113, 117, 158, 158, 190, 296–97, 530–31, 534, 538, 835
Bunny Hops, 179, 183, 183, 184, 185
closure and demolition, 305, 316, 323, 380–81, 608–9, 614, 617, 617, 804
design and construction, 77, 107–8, 110, 111, 112–15
first vertical skatepark, 108
Hard Waves, Soft Wheels (film), 162–64, 162, 164
illegal skating at, 316, 319
Lipslides and, 172, 173, 174, 174, 175, 176, 177
membership card, 113
North Bowl, 112, 113, 116, 117, 146–47, 150, 157, 160, 161, 164, 166, 170, 171, 178, 187, 188, 199, 299, 314–15, 316, 317, 318, 319, 319, 352, 352, 361, 381
opening advertisement, 109
popularity of, 108, 110
skate session ticket, 114
snake run, 113, 117, 174, 197, 199, 616, 617, 646, 647
South Bowl, 113, 115, 117, 189, 190
takeoff ramp, 100, 101, 107, 108, 112, 116, 116, 149, 157–58, 616
team, 161–62, 196, 199
Under Bowl, 116, 116, 158
vert skating, 102, 106–7, 115–17
Skateboard World magazine, 106, 127, 208, 246, 255, 260, 263, 267–71, 274, 478, 489, 540, 622, 676, 769, 806
Skateboard World (Lakewood, California), 411, 426–27, 432, 435–36
Skateboard World (Torrance, California), 765
Skateboard World Japan magazine, 624
skatecar, Signal Hill Speed Run, 454, 454
Skate City skatepark (U.K.), 71, 275, 276
Skate City skatepark (Whittier, Calif.), 443
skate clothing
Mike McGill, 580
specialized skating gloves, 185, 185
SIO shorts, 498, 501, 501
Turningpoint shorts, 627, 627
See also shoes
SKATE magazine, 652
Skatepark of Norfolk, 444
Skatepark Paramount, 271, 272, 274, 428, 435, 439, 852
Albany Skate Track, 76, 77
"Bank of Daytona," 64, 65, 67
building boom and design issues, 80, 81, 82, 83
Carlsbad Skatepark, 69, 69, 70, 71, 72, 80
early lack of skating terrain, 63, 64, 64
first concrete skateparks and modern skateboarding, 15
first municipal skateparks in United States, 610–611
Geraldton skateboard track, 77
Meanwhile Gardens, 11, 11, 71, 73, 73, 277, 850, 851
membership cards, 113, 428, 432, 694, 852, 855
1980s closures and demolition, 802–3, 804, 805, 806
pool-style bowls, 326
Porirua skateboard track (Cannon's Creek, New Zealand), 73, 75, 75
Rainbow Wave, 78, 367, 422, 423–24, 423, 424
Skateboard City, 58–59, 63–65, 65, 66, 67–69, 67, 91
Skateboard Heaven (Fort Lauderdale, Florida), 77, 78, 79, 91
and skateboarding community formation, 11
skatepark building boom and design issues, 80, 81, 82
skatepark I.D. card. See skateparks, membership cards
snake runs, 75, 76, 77–78, 90, 91
Southern California skateparks, 78, 79, 80
Taito Skateboard Center, 74, 74
takeoff ramps, 67, 84, 90, 91
See also Bro Bowl, Cadillac Wheels Skateboard Concourse; Clearwater Skateboard Park; Kona Skatepark; Rainbow Wave; Rom; Sensation Basin; Skateboard City; Skateboard USA; Solid Surf
skate press
Alan Gelfand's growing popularity, 385, 386–87, 388, 389, 390, 390, 391, 391
press images of aerial attempts, 201, 202, 203, 209
pushing of vert skating, 370, 372
See also SkateBoarder magazine
SkaterCross skatepark, 106, 278, 279, 851
Skate Rider magazine, 298, 372, 372, 386, 388, 389, 420, 445, 517, 641, 806
Skates East magazine, 349, 350, 361, 806
Skate Wave skatepark, 282, 282, 423–24, 425, 578
Skateworld Journal magazine, 675
SKAT'N NEWS magazine, 782, 800
Skatopia skatepark, 77, 78, 80, 272, 274, 409
Skiles, Jim "Jimbo," 372, 372, 723, 723
Skoldberg, Bob, 213, 777
Skyhooks, 290, 292, 295, 573, 839
Sky Rapids water slide, 381, 382
Alan Gelfand, 148
Charley Gonzalez, 66
contests, 54, 68, 97, 99
Dual Slalom at Fun 'N Sun Skateboard Championships, 606
Fun 'N Sun Skateboard Championships, 369, 370, 370, 371
Venezuelan contest, 706
Slater, Kelly, 63, 334, 568, 572–73, 572
Smiley's Pool (Dirt Bowl), 145, 145
Smith, Bill, 288, 289, 623
Smith, Bobby, 289
Smith, Buck, 822
Smith, Danny "Mini Shred," 232, 589
Smith, Davey, 572
Smith, Floyd, 137, 233
Smith, Gary, 367
Smith, Glenn, 435
Smith, Jack, 22, 512
Smith, Jay, 577, 665, 725
Smith, Lance, 22, 26, 39, 102, 140, 200, 239, 322, 373, 373, 436, 514, 528, 585, 696, 698
Smith, Marty, 202, 204, 208, 209, 270, 298, 300, 301, 515
Smith, Mike, 748, 759, 761
Smith, Pete, 63
Smith, Phil, 181
Smith, Dale "Sausage Man," 213
Smith Grind, 240, 743
Smythe, John. See Stecyk, Craig, III, "C.R"
snake runs
Albany Skate Track, 76
Bro Bowl, 610
Concrete Wave, 857
Porirua skateboard track (Cannon's Creek, New Zealand), 75
Sensation Basin, 396, 399
Skateboard Safari, 446
Skateboard USA, 113, 117, 174, 197, 199, 616, 617, 646, 647
and skatepark design, 77–78
Solid Surf skatepark, 90, 91, 239
Tomoka Moon Forest, 260
snowboarding, 37, 360, 360, 573, 573, 841, 841
Snurfer snowboards, 360, 360
Snyder, Karen
Cadillac Wheels Skateboard Concourse, 614, 614
Clearwater Pro Open, 506
freestyle and contests, 368, 555
Fun 'N Sun Skateboard Championships, 607
Handstand, 377
on Hollywood, Florida and South Florida skate scene, 93
Hollywood, Florida skating enclaves, 121
Hollywood Skating Center contest (1976), 98
Little Skates team, 633, 641
Nose Wheelie, 124
at Rainbow Wave, 584
at Solid Surf Tuflex contest, 640
South Florida skating scene, 655
Team USA, 161
social progress during the 1970s, 8
Söderhäll, Jani, 777, 778, 779
Solar Skateboards, 358
Solar wheels, 32
Solid Surf
advertising, 90, 91
Dave Bentley at, 302–3
design, 77, 114, 239, 240–41
Alan Gelfand at, 240–41, 304, 542, 553, 558–59, 561
Kevin Peterson extended slide, 342–43
Kurt Hurley at, 352
opening, 91
Peanut Bowl, 736–37, 740, 741, 742–43, 744, 744
pro shop, 634
Skateboard Madness (film), 232, 238
snake run, 90, 91, 239
Tab Textor at, 468
U-bowl, 238–41, 240, 304, 305
view of back lot, 740, 741
Sondgerath, Todd "The Human Fly," 595, 595
Sörlins Sport, 776
Soul Bowl, 102, 103
Southbank, London, England, 276, 276, 612
South Beach, Miami, Florida, 12–13
South Beach pier, 12–13, 107, 167, 215, 223, 351, 359
South Florida Skateboard Championships, 94, 95, 97–99, 99
"Space Pad," Tracker truck riser, 40, 40
Spatola, Gary, 661–62
Spatola, Stephen "Biff," 662
Speed Discs, 44, 44
Spence, Bob, 91, 737, 740–41
Spencer, Jeff, 446
Spencer, Lee, 446
"The Spillway," Melbourne, Australia, 50, 51
Spinn'in Wheels (film), 51–52, 51, 54, 71, 102, 214, 217, 272, 764
Spinosi, Tim, 393, 395–96, 397–98
Sports Illustrated magazine, 62–63, 68, 401
Spreckels, Bunker, 675, 676
Spring Valley skatepark, 279
Staab, Kevin, 411, 532, 753, 756, 759
Starr, Scott, 87
Stecyk, Craig, III, "C.R."
on aerial frontiers, 259
and Alan Gelfand, 512, 515, 650
Bones Brigade and Powell-Peralta, 409, 577, 589, 672, 674–79, 677, 702
Dogtown articles, 57, 453, 517, 672, 674–75, 676, 677–78
"Fear of Flying" article, 289
on malleability of reality, 671
"Off The Wall" column, 774
pseudonyms, 675, 678–79
and Thrasher magazine, 678, 678
steel trucks, 30, 30
steel wheels, 21, 21, 129
Stelmasky, Kenny, 753
Stern, Carole, 112–13
Stevenson, Larry, 246
Stewart, Tom, 327, 495
Badlands, 432
Bear Foot Grip, 417
Bennett Truks, 37
Big O, 852
Bones Brigade stickers at Super Skate Show, 710–11
Bro Bowl, 612
Cadillac Wheels, 22
Cherry Hill Skateboard Park, 663
Del Mar Skateboard Ranch, 690
5/Ply Skateboards, 255
flex decks, 245
Flying Wheels skatepark, 498
Fox Surfboards and Skateboards, 463
Free Flight, 856
Get-A-Way skatepark, 800
Harbour Skateboards, 311
Kelly Lynn, 485
Lakewood Center Skateboard World, 285
Lip Slider, 150
Little Skates, 633
Marina Del Rey skatepark, 441
Nomad, 447
Ollie Airwalk, 839
Ollie Pop Bubble Gum Company, 840
Ollie Tank, 730
Park Rider wheels, 81
The Pipeline, 430
Rainbow Wave, 423
Rampage ramp, 494
Road Rider wheels, 52
Sablosky Benjyboards, 275
Santa Cruz 5/Ply Skateboards, 255
Schmitt Stixx, 575
Sims, 451
Skateboard Madness (film), 525
Skateboard Odyssey, 851
Skateboard Scene magazine, 858
Skateboard USA, 321, 617
Skateboarding Heritage Foundation, 851
skatepark marketing, 81, 81
SkaterCross, 851
Skyhooks, 292
Solid Surf, 741
Sunset Surfboards, 205
Tail Tap, 264
3M Grip Tape, 417
Toft designs, 252
Tracker Trucks, 39
Tuflex, 633
Turningpoint skateboards, 628
UFO ("Unlimited Freighting Objects"), 300–301, 301
Wee Willi Winkels, 253
"Stoker" wheels, 30
straight-edge (lifestyle), 347, 564
Strandlund, Brad, 209
Strausberg, Susan, 359, 359
street skating
Bert Parkerson at Hypoluxo ditch, 125, 125
Biscayne banks, 107
drainage ditch joyride, 194
evolution from freestyle skating, 686
extended street slide, Guy De Laurentiis, 120
Haulover Inlet, 155–56, 155
Hollywood, Florida skating scene, 118–37
Hollywood Bread Building garage, 154, 155
138th Avenue and Palmetto Expressway overpass, 122
Rick Furness and flatground Ollies, 642, 644, 645, 647
Southbank in U.K., 276, 276
South Beach pier, 12–13, 107, 167, 215, 223, 351, 359
See also Hollywood Ramp; pool riding
Strople, Chris
Alley Oop, 515
Backside Air at Surf de Earth, 516, 517
Big O Pro-Am, 748
Cess Slide, 552
and competitive pool riding, 453
and John Gibson, 692, 693
and Kona Bowl, 202, 209
and the Monster Bowl, 327
on the Rampage ramp, 494
on rapid evolution of skating, 769–70
on Rodney Jesse, 445
Team Tunnel, 249
on Tony Alva, 677
on Wally Inouye, 279
Stubbies surfing competitions, 572
Suchodolski, Matt, 662
Sully, Paul, 277, 851
Summers, Bobby
Boardslide, 174
Bunny Hop, 183
Depth Charge, 165
first-generation vert riding, 330
influence on Alan Gelfand's style, 566
North Bowl Bunny Hop variation, 178
Oceanus board, 168
and Skateboard USA, 121, 154, 157, 160, 161, 171, 314, 317, 318
South Florida skating scene, 40, 655
street skating, 156
Tail Tap, 264
and Team USA, 161
Summers, Norm, 272
Suncoast Surf Shop, 25
Sundstrom, Steve "Number 9," 662
Sunset Skateboards, Pool Rider decks, 205, 205
Sunset Surfboards, 205, 205
Super Session (film), 55, 232, 234
Super Skate Show in Caracas, Venezuela, 700–701, 702, 704, 705, 706–12, 709, 710, 711, 713
Sure Grip trucks, 29, 30, 30
Surf and Skate Expo, 372
Surf de Earth skatepark, 698–99
Surferdrome skatepark, 425
Surfer magazine
Bennett Truks ad, 38
Cadillac Wheels advertising, 22, 23, 28
"The Effluence of Affluence" article, 60
"The Kids Are Alright" article, 568
Lisa Andersen cover, 63
"New Reality of the Eastern Surfer" article, 62
skating ads in, 34
Tom Servais photography, 381
Surfer Publications, 34, 381
aerial surfing pioneers, 371, 566–73
Australian and South African surfers, 34
Cadillac Wheels advertising, 22
Florida Pro competition, 60, 61, 62, 63
influence of Ollie Air and skating aerials on, 566–69, 567, 570–73, 571
influence on skateboard design and skating styles, 21, 60
influence on skatepark names, 78
production of skateboard decks, 28–29
Russ Howell, 88
and skating Lipslide, 151, 151
surf films, 50, 55, 232, 330
surf magazines and skateboard advertising, 28
wake surfing, 570, 570, 572
Surfing magazine, 437
SURF magazine, 390
Surfrider Foundation, 612
Suspenders, 289, 290, 290, 291, 295, 573
Sutherland, Jock, 60
Svitak, Kristian, 19
Sweden and Swedish skating scene
New Sport House, 786–87, 787, 788–89, 789, 790, 791–94, 791, 792, 793
Per Viking, 787, 788–89, 791–94, 793
Swedish Summer Camp, 772–73, 775–77, 776, 778, 779, 779, 780, 781–85, 781, 782, 783, 784, 785, 794–95, 794, 795, 822
Swenson, Eric, 810–11
Taie, Greg, 80
Tail Tap
Alan Gelfand, 435, 551, 552, 655, 677
and Beamer decks, 522
Clyde Rodgers, 400
David Paul at Kona Bowl, 209
as early "aerial," 264
Jerry Valdez, 264
John "Wally" Sablosky, 284
Jonny McGrath at Albany Skate Track, 264, 265
Peggy Turner, 740
Rick Furness, 420, 645
at Skateboard USA, 264, 535
as surfing maneuver, 566
Tait, Jim, 662
Taito Skateboard Center, 74, 74, 77
Tallahassee Skate Club, 498
Tampa Bay skateparks, 425
Tampa Skate Wave. See Skate Wave skatepark
Tatum, Jeff
aerial pioneer, 209, 270
on Backside Ollies, 756, 758
"Basic Aerial Review" in SkateBoarder, 512
Hester Series at Del Mar Skateboard Ranch, 696, 697
homemade longboards, 697
"J. T. Air" (Backside Ollie), 696, 698–99, 756, 758
Kona Boys, 202, 209
Ollie Air, 668, 669
Panther wheels and decks, 300
on Road Riders, 44
Taylor-Dykema wood decks, 247
Tea Bowl, 352
Team USA, 161–62, 347, 540
"limit hunting" and new skating technology, 22
Tracker Trucks, 33, 34, 37, 39, 39, 40, 40, 41
See also decks; grip tape; trucks; precision-bearing wheels; urethane wheels
television commercials and legitimacy of skateboarding, 87
Ternasky, Mike, 792
Terrebonne, Ted, 279, 479, 551, 724
Texas Spring Series, 821, 825, 825
Textor, John
Cadillac Concourse vert contest, 420
Fox skate team, 466
Fun 'N Sun Skateboard Championships, 364–65, 602, 603
on Ollie Airs and the My-Hop, 464, 467, 468, 471
at Skateboard Safari, 447
Textor, Tab
aerial pioneer, 281, 468
and Cadillac Concourse, 338, 420
Ollie Air, 468, 468
Rainbow Wave Pro-Am, 592
at Skateboard Safari, 447
T-foot style, 157
Thatcher, Jon "Dr. Jon," 425, 578, 581, 595
Thatcher, Kevin, 249, 437
This is Skateboard Music (CD), 71, 72
Thomas, Jamie, 800
Thomas, Scott, 377
Thompson, Hunter S., 715
Thornhill, Laura, 102, 225, 246, 249, 326, 740
Thrasher magazine, 373, 457, 471, 573, 631, 669, 674, 678, 681, 811, 811
Bob "Boober" Bentley, 358, 363
as contest event, 66, 455, 676
early street skating and, 127
Jeff Duerr, 347
Mark McWilliams on homemade board, 125
Russ Howell, 86
Scott Goodman, 138
Stacy Peralta, 409
surfing, 571
Tim Scroggs, 682, 682
three-wheeler, 263, 263
Tiedge, Walt, 810
Tocci, Geno, 753, 761
Toft, Lonnie
barefoot skating, 36
freestyle contests, 104
"It's OK" (Beach Boys TV special), 102, 104
maple-ply boards, 254
Pepsi Skateboard Team, 410, 410
pool riding on wide homemade board, 105, 255
Sims team, 35, 35, 254
Skateboard magazine (O'Mahoney) team, 35
snowboarding, 573, 573
stickers designed by, 252
wide board designs, 105, 250, 250, 251, 251, 252, 254–55, 645
Toilet Bowl, 121, 156
the Tombstone at Kona, 96, 98, 107, 306–7, 459
Tomoka Moon Forest skatepark, 68, 260, 261, 582, 854
Tomson, Michael, 60
Tomson, Shaun, 60, 566, 572
Tony Hawk Foundation, 612
Tork, Dale, 397
Toro, Juan Andres, 710, 710, 711, 712
Torque Skateboards, 285
Tostenson, Bernie, 451, 460
Townend, Peter "PT," 60, 63, 589
Townhouse Motor Court, 106
Tracker Trucks
and Alan Gelfand, 189, 191, 436, 546–47, 548, 549, 557
and Bill Reilly, 168
Coper truck protector, 697
halfpipe ramp, 669
Lapper anti-hangup device, 401
Ollie wheels, 837, 837
Rockit maple-ply decks, 254, 255, 257
Rodney Mullen ad, 734
skating technology development, 33, 34, 37, 39, 39, 40, 40, 41
Tim Scroggs ad, 686
trading cards, 88, 130, 202
TransWorld Business magazine, 408, 411, 672
TransWorld Skateboarding magazine, 201, 372, 410, 532, 756, 789, 794
Traverso, Kit, 423, 424, 582, 592, 596
Traverso, Lynda, 423, 424, 582, 592, 594, 596
Treece, Chuck, 521, 522, 662
tribes. See community
attachment methods, 30
Bennett Hijacker trucks, 32, 34, 37, 37, 38, 168
double-action trucks, 29, 30, 30
Gullwing Pro trucks, 506
loose, 167, 189, 241, 316
Skitch Hitchcock truck, 221
tight, 189, 241, 554
See also Tracker Trucks
Tuflex Product Awareness Tournament, 620, 624, 634, 641
Tunnel Rock wheels, 249, 298
Tunnel Skateboards, 248, 249, 298, 679
Tunnel skate team, 248, 249, 437
Turner, Peggy, 281, 368, 447, 610, 740, 740, 803, 807, 809, 810
Turner, Tom, 106
Turner Summer Ski, 37
Turningpoint Ramp, 422, 468, 469, 478, 526, 589, 618–19, 620, 621, 624–28, 625, 626, 627, 628, 629, 633, 655, 658, 724, 724, 725, 739, 770
Turningpoint skateboards, 621, 625–27, 626, 627, 640, 641, 642
Ty-Hop, 26
Ty-Slide, 26
U.K. skating scene, 275–77, 275, 276, 277, 279
U.S. Surfing Championships, 26
U.S. Tank Corps recruiting poster, 732
U-bowl, Solid Surf skatepark, 238–41, 240, 304, 305, 620
U-ey (Roll-Back), 196–97, 199, 347
UFO ("Unlimited Freighting Objects")
and Gunnar Haugo, 270, 271, 298, 300
and John Hughes, 298, 300, 322
radius-edged wheels, 298, 300, 300
stickers, 271, 300–301, 301
UFO team, 300
The Ultimate Flex Machine (film), 50–51, 50, 217, 765
Underwood, Bill, 801
unicycling, 791
urethane wheels
and advancement of skateboarding, 10, 10, 15, 17
Cadillac Wheels, 18–19, 20–22, 23
explosion of skating and, 24–25, 26, 26, 27, 28
Ollie Ranchies wheels, 838, 838
Ollie wheels, 837, 837
Sims Bowl Rider wheels, 191, 352
Wings wheels, 516
See also Bones wheels; Kryptonics wheels; Road Rider wheels
V.C. Bowl, 326
Valdez, Bobby, 270, 329, 453, 457
Valdez, Jerry, 193, 264, 270, 526, 528, 626, 626, 627, 628, 669
van der Wyk, Richard, 35, 36, 37, 57, 209
boat deck shoes, 47, 163
"Off The Wall" roller skates, 704, 704
skating shoes, 434, 435, 557, 656–57, 657, 664–65, 665
sponsorship, 557, 633, 664
Vans Pro-Am Skateboard Competition, 724–25, 724, 745
Van, Surf, and Skate Expo, West Palm Beach, 282
"Varibots," 797, 798, 800
Variflex, 557, 725, 748, 750, 751, 751, 760, 761, 797, 798, 799, 800–801, 822, 824, 836, 837
Vasiliades, Bill "The Greek," 662
Vega, Raul, 675
Velez, Jose David (Talcual), 16
Venezia, Chris
Backside Lipslide at Skateboard USA, 113
mentorship of younger skaters, 344
at Oaks pool, 159
and Team USA, 161
"Vermont Drop," Los Angeles, 77, 78, 79
vert skating
first vertical skatepark, 108
Skateboard USA, 102, 106–7, 115–17, 146–47, 149–51, 150, 151
the Tombstone at Kona, 96, 107
"vertical banking" at Albany Skate Track, 14, 15, 77
See also halfpipes; handplant (invert); pool riding
Vest, Joel, 435
Vickers, Vicki, 225, 438, 740
videocassettes, 566, 589, 745, 766, 767, 767, 771
Viking, Per, 669, 787, 788–89, 791–94, 792, 793
Villar, Cam, 106
Villette, Tony, 826, 831
Vitello, Fausto, 811
Von Essen, Desiree, 35, 57, 251
Wachter, Patrick, 498, 800, 800
wake surfing, 570, 570, 572
Walker, Bruce
Butt Burner, 282
at Carlsbad Skatepark, 71, 72
at Clearwater Pro Open, 501, 568
Directions (film), 330
first time seeing the Ollie Pop, 373, 376
Fox Surf Shop and team, 94, 97–98, 171
and Kelly Slater, 572
mentorship of younger skaters, 344, 346
Ocean Avenue surf team, 331, 566–67, 572
on the Ollie Air, 503
on Rat Hop, 475
at Sensation Basin, 740
at Skateboard City, 68
in SkateBoarder magazine, 487
Skateboard USA, 110, 116, 171
at Solid Surf, 552, 553
and South Florida skate scene, 60, 94, 94, 96, 97–98, 331, 459
Walker Skateboards and team, 97, 97, 117, 228, 236, 236, 237, 331, 331, 410, 483, 596, 602, 633, 722, 723
Wall Riding contest event, 396
The Wall Street Journal, 78
Walsh, Jeff, 498, 652
Ward, Henry, 202, 204, 300
Warneke, John, 202, 300
Warnke, Tom, 127
warptail decks
Alan Gelfand, 340, 380, 381, 390, 432, 434, 434, 435, 482, 825
Jeff Duerr, 308
Neverflex, 245
Stacy Peralta Warptail decks, 235, 245, 247, 249, 256, 257, 257, 308, 380, 381
Waldo Warp Tail, 249
Warren, Kendra, 368
Warren, Mark, 60, 589
Water Bros. surf shop, 44–45, 45
Wave Rider magazine, 60, 372, 372, 569, 806
Wayne Brown surfboards, 28
Weaver, Gregg "The Cadillac Kid"
and Cadillac wheels, 26, 409
and Don "Waldo "Autry, 249
Hang Ten Skateboard Championships (1976, Carlsbad), 677
Hobie skateboard team, 213, 214
in SkateBoarder magazine, 102, 134, 202, 765
at the Soul Bowl, 103
Surfer magazine "Cadillac Kid" photo, 23, 134
Weaver, Pat, 658
Webb, Todd, 425
Weber, Bob, 573
Weber surfboards, 28
Weed, Mike
at Carlsbad Skatepark, 70
foam and fiberglass boards, 217
in Freewheelin' (film), 102
Hobie skateboard team, 212, 213, 540
Kona Pro-Am, 306
Mount Baldy Pipeline, 622
Spinn'in Wheels (film), 51, 214
Swedish Summer Camp, 777
trading card, 220
Wee Willi Winkels Skateboards. See Winkels, Wee Willi
Weir, Robbie, 410, 665, 732, 734, 735, 834
Weird Bowl, 248, 249
Weiss, Niko, 605, 695
Welinder, Per, 526, 565, 685, 773, 777, 777, 778, 779, 783, 794
We're All Bozos on These Boards (film), 163
West, Chris
aerial pioneer, 281
and Cadillac Concourse, 338, 339–40
Cadillac Concourse vert contest, 420–22
on early Ollie Airs and the My-Hop, 304, 467
Fox skate team, 466
Hard Waves, Soft Wheels (film), 162
Palm Beach County skating enclave, 121
on innovation and aerial images in skating magazines, 209
Rainbow Wave, 422, 592, 599
Sims East team, 449, 451
at Skateboard Safari, 447
at Skateboard USA, 451
Westfall, Mark, 548, 562–63, 831
Wheel-a-Wave Skatepark, 397
wheel bite/wheel rub, 37, 521
Wheelee Board, 10, 10
Bentley freestyle wheels, 358, 358
Bones wheels, 300, 400, 401, 409, 411
Cadillac Wheels, 18–19, 20–22, 23, 31, 43, 44, 47, 52, 52, 177, 327, 327
clay wheels, 20, 20, 94, 129, 250, 765
Kryptonics wheels, 434, 435, 438
radius-edged wheels, 298, 300
Road Rider wheels, 10, 10, 34, 37, 42, 43–45, 43, 45, 46, 47, 47
steel wheels, 21, 21
UFO wheels, 298
See also precision-bearing wheels; urethane wheels
White, Kevin, 151
Whitehead, Cindy
on California skating scene, 280–81
on Cherry Hill Skateboard Park, 662
on the Ollie Air, 515
Peanut Bowl, 744
at Runway skatepark, 738, 738
Vans Pro-Am Skateboard Competition, 724
vert skating, 740
World Skating Association tour, 738–40, 744
Whiteside, Bruce, 361, 363, 425
Whitman, Bill, 570
Whitman, Dudley, 570
Wide World of Sports, 63, 373, 677
Wilbur, Randy, 761
Wild World of Skateboarding magazine, 26, 130, 131, 151, 807
Wilkes, Dan, 825
Willet, Mike, 106
Williams, Mike, 406
Williamson, Tim, 498
Willis pool, 407
Willners, Philip, 779
Wilson, George, 67–68, 447, 661
Winchester Skateboard Park, 437–38, 438, 439, 455, 744
Windansea Surf Club, 454
Wings wheels, 516, 578
Winkels, Wee Willi
Canadian skating scene, 605
manufacturer, 253, 633
maple-ply decks, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254
pool riding, 142
Sims snowboards, 573
Wolfe, Tom, 8, 11
Wolmuth, Philip, 73, 851, 851
Womble, Ed
on Alan Gelfand, 548
Butt Burner, 282
Del Mar Skateboard Ranch, 694
flex move, 636, 637, 638
with George McClellan, 668
at Rainbow Wave, 636
Rainbow Wave Pro-Am, 595, 599
at Sensation Basin, 637, 637, 658, 661
at Solid Surf Tuflex contest, 640
Wom-pull (Rock 'n' Roll), 395, 395, 449
Wong, Arnie, 528
Wong, Wee Ming, 605
Wood Lane (pop band), 82, 82, 83
Woodstock, John "Woody," 247, 662
Wooldridge, Donna, 498
Wooten, Roy "Punky," 182
World Skating Association, 738–39
World Invitational Skateboard Championships (1975, San Diego), 219, 222
WRAPS contests, 722, 723, 724
Wright, Ed, 205
Wurster, Gary, 121, 155, 156, 163
X Games, 49, 768, 810
Yamaki, Eriko "Double," 48
Yandall, Chris, 40, 41, 57, 247, 358
Yandall wheels, 33
Yantiss, Muriel, 370, 373, 452, 607
Yantiss, Suda, 368, 369, 506
Yawgoo Valley Skate Park, 611
Young Circle. See Hollywood, Florida
Yo Yo wheels, 300
Zakrzewski, David "David Z", 694, 732, 753, 756, 757, 759
Zamba, Frieda, 63
Zaritzky, Barry "Barry Z," 498, 501, 652, 722, 722
Zehnder, Pete, 675
Zephyr Productions, 57
Zephyr skate team (Z-Boys), 57, 180, 233
Z-Flex East Coast ("Z-East") team, 65, 447, 596
Zinsser, John, 401
Zinsser, William, 401
Z Products, 574, 575

912 pages
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1930287003
ISBN-13: 9781930287006
Dimensions: 9.3 x 7 x 2.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 4.7 pounds
Retail: $59.95
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